Live With Audacity

Start stepping into boldness

Aaron Schnoor
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

Audacity is a complicated word.

Let’s be honest, “audacity” has garnered a substantial amount of bad press in the English language. After all, how many times have you heard phrases like the ones below:

Can you believe he had the audacity to say that?

Did you see what she just did? The audacity of some people!

You’ve probably heard the phrases before. It’s even possible that you’ve said those phrases before. We tend to view audacity as a negative word, a feeling we associate with people who are rude, selfish, or impetuous.

But audacity means so much more.

Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at the root of the word.

The Origins of Audacity

Audacity comes from the Latin word audacitas, which literally means “boldness.” The Latin word audacitas stems from the root audax, which can mean “bold,” “daring,” and “courageous.”

It should be pointed out that the negative connotations behind audacity are somewhat based on truth. If one is too daring, then the Latin root audax can be stretched to mean “reckless,” “rash,” or even “presumptuous.”

