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The Tightrope Walker

Living With an Emotionally Unstable Partner

Five Steps to Try to Cope with Life When Life is Like Being a Tightrope Walker


It doesn’t sound attractive to live with an emotionally unstable person.

If you come home to your partner, and she is sitting bent beneath the kitchen table, silently crying, what do you do then?

You go and put your hand gently on her shoulder of course. And you ask: — What is it, darling? Why are you crying? Are you sorry for something?

When this happens a few times, you think that it is a pity, you feel sorry for her and you do your best to support her and help her to raise herself again from the tears and the depressive thoughts that she has.

You try as best as you can to comfort her, to support her and to consolidate her. If you know what she is sorry for, what the reason for her tears is, you’ve got a good place to start.

When this has happened tens and hundreds of times, things can feel exhausting. You arrive at home and you experience the ‘same’ crisis day after day, or with intervals, some periods are worse than others.

What if this has lasted for years, and it evolves — as you can see it — only in a negative direction.



Albert Sundve

Love, relationships, happiness, and future. I write about real people living real lives. What happens to others can also happen to us.