Lose This Toxic “Crab” Mindset For Better Relationships

Real friends elevate their peers — fake friends drag them down.

Alvin Ang
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readMay 16, 2020


Have you heard of the term “crabs in a bucket?”

“Crab mentality, also known as crabs in a bucket…is a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you”.

— Wikipedia definition.

The metaphor is derived from a behavioral pattern seen in crabs when they are trapped in a container.

When one crab tries to escape, the other crabs will swarm it. Grasping, pinching, and pulling the crowd prevents the singular crab from ever reaching its goal.

Ha-ha. Dumb, pea-brained crabs, right? It makes no sense for them to do that. Pulling their peers down only ensures everyone stays in the same shitty situation — destined for a cooking pot.

Well, don’t be so quick to laugh. The same mindlessly destructive behavior can also be observed in humans.

Here’s a great example from my personal life.

I am a martial artist. For a long time, training at another gym aside from your own was almost taboo. It was certainly heavily frowned upon.

