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Love and Romance

What’s it all about?

Scorpio Poetry
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readNov 22, 2019


When you take a look at our ancestors you’ll notice that humans used to group together and still do because we are social creatures.

We could not have survived very long alone in the wilderness and the humans who grouped together had better luck at surviving and passing on their genes compared to the loners.

Safe to say I wouldn’t have survived long…

We aren’t the only animals who are like this. Other apes are also very social creatures, so it’s only natural that we want to belong and be part of a group because being social also boosts confidence and if you’re confident then you tend to do better at connecting and bonding with others. You’ll also be healthier and happier.

But when did being social and finding a mate turns into a search for love and romance?

Humans didn’t use to partner up out of love, they did it to pass on their genes. However, in recent times love and romance have become a part of having a mate. So, is love and romance a modern fad or is it a natural occurrence?

Are we obsessed with it?

If you take a look at T.V. series, movies, and novels — most of them usually have romance in the storyline and it sells quite well, but why?

Are we obsessed with relationships and romance or is it a natural desire to want it?

Everyone is different when it comes to wants and desires. But for a large amount of the population we want and are obsessed with romance. However, romance means something different for everyone.

And because humans are so self-aware and have a higher consciousness more than ever before we tend to search for meaning in life; why we’re here and what we’re here for.

Finding love gives our lives meaning, a purpose, it also makes us happy. I’m sure other animals can be in love too but not at the level we feel it, which would explain why we are obsessed with love and romance, it just brings a lot of good to our lives and a lot of personal growth.

What is Romance?

For me, unexpected gestures, affection, quality time and ‘I love you’ are what I call romance. I believe romance is when your partner does little things to show you they care. But everyone has a different definition of romance, so I asked some of my friends what romance means to them and these are the answers I got:

  • Good sex
  • Affection
  • Dinner dates
  • holding hands
  • cuddling
  • trips together
  • being in each others company
  • doing anything or nothing together
  • buying cute things/gifts
  • surprises

How important is romance?

Romantic gestures such as cuddling, unexpected kisses, holding hands are all ways to show love. And I believe knowing your partner’s views on romance is important for a healthy relationship to work. It keeps the spark alive and fans the flames of passion.

But certain things that can make the passion dwindle, such as daily routine, becoming parents, working a lot or just maturing can cause life to become a bit tedious and it can affect your relationship. So, if you want the passion to last between you and your partner then I would say romance is definitely important.

To have at least some romance in your relationship is better than nothing or wouldn’t they just be considered a friend instead of a lover?

Different views on romance can affect a relationship.

If you’re like me then you thrive on daily romantic gestures every day. I’m not saying huge romantic gestures is what I want all the time, but an unexpected kiss or ‘I love you’ or even just an expression of appreciation for our relationship is my ideal romantic gesture. Is that really too much to ask? Well, it depends on how the other person feels about expressing their love.

I was once in a relationship where our views on romance were so different that we got into arguments over it. I wanted more affection and loving words, but his version of romance was the two of us doing activities together more often, which is completely fine but he wouldn’t compromise because showing affection made him uncomfortable. So, obviously that relationship came crashing down.

The good thing about failed relationships is that you figure out what you want and don’t want, and you learn to start putting your wants and needs first when it comes to love.

So, enjoy life, love deeply, be free with your love and have fun. Thanks for reading, have a great day.

Before you go, I’d like to announce that I have a new publication. If you would like to be a writer for it here’s how:

