Make Credo Your First Stop In Orlando

Kirsten Telan
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readOct 17, 2018


Credo coffee is a small but significant choice.☕️ Buying a cup of coffee is also an uber BIG DEAL so we let you name your price, that’s right, NAME YOUR PRICE.

There’s no such thing as local coffee, in O’town. So we source our coffee as directly as possible from very small scale growers and get as much money into their hands as we can. Our coffee makes a positive impact. This is the part we don’t want you to miss.

YOU get to name your price (This is worth repeating). It’s a small choice built around meaning and you are in control of it. Our mission is to inspire the pursuit of meaning, impact, and community.

It’s All About Your Intention

Intention is about making super small choices. When you add them all up they will become a catalyst and keep you moving in the right direction. If we don’t hone in on being intentional with our decisions we may overlook the little things. These are the things that are substantial that will NOT leave us feeling unsatisfied. I’m not saying a bigger house or luxury sports car won’t bring happiness but it will be temporary, short term happiness, that’s all.

Living A Life Of Meaning

Living a life that allows us to pursue meaning is a game changer. This is the opposite of merely existing. Making a difference in our lives and those around us is how we build value and long-lasting sustainability.

Be careful because without a life led by meaning and impact it is easy to walk around in a zombielike state stuck in mundane routines…continually saying ‘yes’ to humdrum obligations. Remember, contentment and gratification is born through who we are….NOT what job we have. Pay attention to who YOU are becoming by taking tiny intentional steps made with significance and meaning.

Making An Impact

Today, let’s make an intentional choice to say no to APATHY and hello to IMPACT. Even if you think you alone can’t make a notable difference in this world, please try to keep the faith. Take that ONE step to making several small and mindful choices. If you can strive for this, you will build up momentum for long-lasting real change.

Watch Your Words

We need to also keep in mind our words. They can serve as pillars and raise us up OR serve as anchors that bring us down. Let’s consciously choose words of empowerment. Remember every word has a positive and negative force field so make the choice to use words that EMPOWER others.

So let’s go out into this awesome planet and find people who walk this walk and invest in friendships in our communities. Living our best life happens when we live deeply rooted in a diverse space and place with a unique network of friends and allies.

Coffee For Impact

🙌🏻making an impact at 3 locations:

➡️college park

➡️north quarter

➡️health village



Kirsten Telan
Live Your Life On Purpose

inspiring others through the Confetti Effect to spread kindness like confetti, traveler, reader, writer, hiker, encourager, blogger, growth mindset learner🙌🏻✨