Make Your Resolutions Stickier This Year: Insight from America’s Most Successful Food Campaign

Bundle new habits with familiar habits. 3 practical examples included.

Cynthia Marinakos
Live Your Life On Purpose


Illustration by Cynthia Marinakos.

It’s the same old story.

We indulge during the Christmas break. Then resolve to lose the flab. Wanting, wishing, dreaming about stuff we want but didn’t do very well last year. Make decent money in a side hustle. Master a new instrument. We begin to make it happen. But then lose momentum. In 1 week. In 2 months. In 3 months.

Then at the end of the year, we’ve done the same things we did last year. Urgh! It’s a never ending loop. Are our new year’s resolutions doomed to fail — again — this year?

Nothing will change if nothing changes.

A fascinating true wartime story may help us change our approach to building new habits — and keeping them up long-term.

During the war, the US sent so much of its meat overseas for the soldiers and to supply Britain and Russia that there was a worry about protein deficiency in the country. Yet there was plenty of protein in other parts of animals such as hearts, liver, and other organs.

But how could the steak-loving loving public possibly be convinced to eat offal? It had a negative…



Cynthia Marinakos
Live Your Life On Purpose

Aussie Copywriter. I love rock climbing high ceilings and hiking amongst ferns.