5 Science-Backed Tips For Safe Face-to-Face Meetings in COVID Time

It’s not about just physical distancing and face cover.

KK Malukani, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose


Image credit Loren Javier on Flickr.

Three months back a friend of mine, a dentist called me to ask how he can start his clinic again. Since the beginning of the lock-down, it was closed. He was scared to start it as still there were a large number of COVID cases observed near him. He called me as I’m running a COVID awareness campaign since the start of the pandemic and I’m also involved in handling programs for safety guidelines at this time.

He recently called to tell that in the last three months, he has attended several patients who later tested positive for COVID. Some of those met him, during their peak infectious phase. Still, he never got infected.

With lockdowns rules almost gone while the second wave of COVID coming up, these tips can be useful for safely interacting face to face interactions in unavoidable circumstances. These could be personal meetings, corporate meetings, tuition classes, or if someone just lands on your door be it a relative, friend or co-worker.

Keep in mind, these are additional safety tips for various types of interactions, and three basic rules of the mask, distancing and hand hygiene are the first priority.

1. Open your windows



KK Malukani, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose

Avid reader, Science communicator, COVID warrior, Citizen of Earth. Doctor of plants.