Mindfulness: 9 Tips To Achieve Greater Balance

Mindfulness: 9 Tips To Achieve Greater Balance

Shwtz M
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 1, 2019


It is easy to get distracted in the midst of a fast-paced lifestyle, and the activity and events happening around us. Mindfulness and meditation are age-old practices that have yielded positive results and can help us to develop a sense of self-awareness.

Mindfulness as a key factor of productivity is also gaining popularity across organizations.

Lack of a proper diet, stress, and fatigue can be reasons for low productivity and absence of focus at work. Noises and everyday objects can be sources of distraction as well.

Reflect on the activities that are most pleasing to you.

Mindfulness and A Healthy Lifestyle

Happiness and emotional well-being have more to do with your state of mind rather than material possessions or external events. When we’re more contented, we tend to have peaceful lives, and conflicts become easier to resolve.

The advantages of practicing mindfulness are many. Health-wise, cultivating awareness can really boost your immune system and lower your blood pressure.

With a bit of practice, mindfulness helps you concentrate better, sharpens your thinking, improves your cognitive abilities and paves the way for a healthier lifestyle.

These are some mindfulness practices you can implement every day.

Meditation helps us train our minds better and improves our ability to focus. A good start would be to practice for a few minutes every morning and increase the time gradually.

Reflect on the activities that are most pleasing to you. For some of us, it can be something creative as art or music, and for others, it may be reading a book.

It’s important to schedule and prioritize. It’s no surprise that we do feel overwhelmed at times. Setting up a daily schedule helps. Remember to take some time off to think over a challenging situation.

Connect with your senses. Close your eyes and listen to ambient sounds for a more mindful and pleasant experience.

If you’re getting distracted during a task, create a trigger that will remind you to focus.

Guided instructions. Read a book or sign up for a class. You can even install an app such as Calm or Headspace that offer guided meditation sessions.

Setting a positive example when it comes to practicing mindfulness can inspire your co-workers and friends to follow in your footsteps.

Share your personal insights and experiences with your friends and colleagues. Recommend a list of books and websites that you find helpful.

Having a mindfulness program within your organization benefits everyone at work. You could discuss the idea with your colleagues and implement it within your team or organization.

Mindfulness helps you become more balanced and productive.

Greater awareness enhances individual happiness.

If you want greater peace, productivity and balance, practice mindfulness at home and work and share your positive vibes with your friends and colleagues.

How do you try and bring in balance and focus in your everyday life? Do let us know!



Shwtz M
Live Your Life On Purpose

Digital media enthusiast | Creative hub @ The Well ’N’ Happy Advantage.