Mirror, Mirror…on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all?

Sheryl Scott
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readMar 10, 2020


Mirror Mirror on the wall.

Who’s the fairest of them all?

Ever since I was small

I’ve been wondering.

Yesterday I stood in front of the mirror

And tried to look straight into my eyes

To hold the gaze of the person inside

The one who knows me best…



Seconds I lasted until I saw

My crooked nose and nerdy glasses

The freckles splayed across my face

I felt this taste

On my tongue

Of not-quite-rightness

Yesterday I watched a show

About a guy who saves the world

Gets the girl

He’s cool

Talks smooth and has the moves

You know the type

The hype

The guy every girl wants to love

And every boy wants to be

I tried to pump up the strength

The swagger

To copy his moves

But I just felt small and weird

And all this proves

What I knew all along

My not-quite-rightness

Is so wrong.

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Who’s the cherished one of all?

Ever since I was small

I’ve been wondering

Yesterday I asked myself

What do I need?

More protein? More greens? Or yoga?

It seems

All these might help

To get me in the jeans

The world wants me to wear.

But as I stood there

Seeing weakness where there should be strength

Clumsiness where there should be grace

I felt shame wash my face

And I turned away

Who could love me like this

When my not-quite-rightness

Shouts loud

Putting up a fight

And wins

Every night.

Yesterday I lost my pride

I’m so afraid to pick a side

That I walk down the middle


Wishing someone would tell me what my opinion is

Because I can’t find it.

Why am I measured by the likes on my phone?

By the clothes I own.

Why can’t I be counted worthy by being




But then again

How can I?

When my not-quite-rightness shines

With a brightness that blinds.

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Do you see me at all?

Ever since I was small

I’ve been wondering.

Today I woke up and just crawled

Scared of what would be hatefully scrawled

Across my reflection this time

Convincing my mind

That it’s not real

What they say

What I feel

I’ll stuff if down this time

I forced my chin to stop shaking

I forced my fists to unclench

My heart to stop faking

I forced my eyes to look at me

To hold my gaze

To really see.


Don’t look away.

Not today.

Don’t turn.

Don’t sway.

Just stay.


Don’t give ear

To those voices you hear.

Don’t let them cheer.

Not today.

Just stay.


Yesterday I read a story

About a God who saved the world

But got none of the glory

He was quiet and kind

Humble and meek

The type every girl would avoid

And every boy would call weak.

But His shoulders were strong to carry my mess

To cover my sins

To offer me rest

To put fear back in it’s place

And wipe shame from my face



With freedom.

Today I stood in front of the mirror

And looked straight into my eyes

To find the gaze of the person inside

The one who knows me best



Seconds I lasted until I saw

My crooked nose and nerdy glasses

The freckles splayed across my face

I felt this taste

One my tongue

Something new

My not-quite-rightness


In His love.

Mirror Mirror on the wall

I don’t need you at all

I’m cherished


And standing tall

In Jesus!



Sheryl Scott
Live Your Life On Purpose

An actress, playwright and oh…I preach every now and then too. But cleaning other people’s toilets pays the bills…and all this gives me much to say. :)