Mountains of Life!

Shubham Singh Chauhan
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readJan 15, 2020
Photo by Nicolas Cool on Unsplash

I hear numerous voices; telling me stories of fallen men, courageous climbers, regular migrants, lost wanderers; but you know what! All of these have one thing in common. They all are about the people who dare to climb. I think we all are born mountaineers.

As I look around the world today, I see a lot of mountains. There are so many of them. There are a large number of people who are climbing these widespread mountains and at the same time, there are equally the ones who are at plains and still looking out there searching for their own.

Well, of course, these are not just any ordinary mountains, these are the mountains of our destinies, our aims, our career, or maybe our spiritual attainment. Some day or the other we got to choose one.

The real challenge of life comes when we are at the plains, perplexed about choosing our trek. Every mountain seems to touch the sky, overly populous, and highly risky. The choice certainly becomes baffling, but it is this choice that evolved people across the pages of history.

So spend your time wisely if you are still at the plains. The moments you spend on these plains deciding about your mountain will lay down the foundation of your journey. Our deepest fear is not whether we would reach the top of the peak, it is in fact whether we are climbing the right mountain or not. It is our choices in life and not our incompetency that most frightens us. That’s why choice becomes so important in life.

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

While the choice will always carry the primary importance in my rule book of life, it is indeed the journey that carries even more relevance.

Happiest people are not the ones who are sitting at the peak of their summit. It is the people who are enjoying their trek along with helping others out there.

Maybe these are the people who have understood the meaning of all these mountains. They have realized that if they are not helping the fellow climbers, the whole journey becomes pointless and the peak is just a deep void and nothing else.

Nevertheless, spending life staring at these mountains will do no good. As I said, we are born mountaineers and as humans, our legacy has always been to leave behind stories; and stories don’t get created on their own, they are made, and they are made on the trek of life. Never worry about falling. Fallen men have told better stories than the men who never fell.

The time is limited but still is enough. If you have not found your mountain yet, keep looking. Don’t get into the false dogma that you don’t have a choice. We always do and this is the fundamental right that life bestowed us with. Our choice evolves us. One day you will choose your mountain and at that moment, remember to not let the peak of the mountain intrude the journey of your trek.



Shubham Singh Chauhan
Live Your Life On Purpose

Engineer at Google | #Thinker | #BuddingWriter | I observe and I write