Gina Christensen Low
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readApr 15, 2019


About a month ago, I caught myself scrolling through Facebook. That's it. There's not another part of that sentence. I was literally JUST SCROLLING. Not interacting, not even stopping to look at photos. Just.Scrolling.

What a shameful awareness. What kind of self-respecting 43 year old mom holds a piece of electronics in her hand and mindlessly swipes? Not this one, that’s for sure. Not me, no more. DELETE went the FB app. I had been thinking about it for awhile, but the whole blogging thing without Facebook is not really an ideal situation. However, I’m smart enough to know I can use Facebook without the app, it’s just much less convenient, and much more annoying.


Annoying is exactly what I need.

Part of my writing journey is a gratitude blog, which resides almost wholly on Facebook. I wasn’t going to give up posting, so I decided that I would allow myself some time for guilty-pleasure scrolling after each post. Dedicated, guilt-free, small sections of time to check-in without checking out.

Here's the short synopsis:

Day 1:

Eight times, yes 8 times, I picked up my phone in between something and could not find that little blue box. After a few minutes each time, I remembered I sent the blue box into oblivion. Where it belongs. Damnit.



Gina Christensen Low
Live Your Life On Purpose

Gina Low is a mom, wife, cheerleader, and wine taster who swears that the 40s are the best years of her life, and explains it all at