My Two Cents On Consent In Relationships

Stephanie Chizoba Odili
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readAug 24, 2019


Philipp Wüthrich for Unsplash.

Recently, I had an interview with HandsOff Initiative—a non-governmental organization addressing the systemic problem of rape, sexual abuse, harassment, and assault. I’ll be sharing the interview points just for those who were unable to catch it on Twitter.

HandsOff: The idea of consent in relationships is alien to many. Why is this the case?

SO: Indeed it is. I think it’s this way because couples already have a belief in their heads and hearts that once you’re in a relationship with someone, your bodies now belong to each other, which is wrong. So, even when they’re not up for something sexually, they cannot say so.

HandsOff: Consent creates certain boundaries in relationships. When we begin to have a shift in attitudes that, our bodies belong to us and to us alone, can the existence of these boundaries ruin a relationship?

SO: If it's ruining a relationship then it is 100% for the best. Your body is yours and you have a right to do with it as you please. If your partner cannot see, understand and respect that, then please allow the relationship to be ruined. These boundaries MUST be respected.

