Not knowing what is my Passion

Neha Chauhan
3 min readJul 6, 2022


From the very beginning of our life, we are told “ Hardwork is key to success.”

Well for many it is true but for many people like me, the crucial thing is to find out in which direction to work hard.

For a person who is wandering in all directions, finding the thing which works for him/her, is very very crucial.

It’s so bloody frustrating to don’t know what to pursue, and in which direction to go.

People say “ Do what you love to do. Do what you are good at. Follow your passion”

What if someone doesn’t know what they are good at? Might be they are good at multiple things which are not connected. What if someone has no idea what they are passionate about?

Sometimes I felt I should pursue counselling. But I didn’t have any training or skill in counselling.

Sometimes I felt I should continue with the finance and economics sector because that is the only thing I have studied and done in my life.

When I decide on finance, I don’t want to leave counselling and vice versa.

If someone has a clear vision of what they wanna do or what they love to do, It is a blessing. A major portion of your journey is done.

Knowing what you want to do is the first step and the big one towards success.

I decided to write this piece to shout out loud to those who can relate to the second paragraph — YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Here are few things you can try :-

1.) First thing when you can’t find what you love, look for what you absolutely hate to do. Jobs or subject which absolutely kills you . Drop them from your life.

2.) I decided to start with which is easy for me to do. If it’s easy it’s less likely to hate it and get bored of it. And easy for me as per my circumstances, my current skills, strength, values and motivating factors. It would be better if write it down. This will at least start something.

3.) Look for internship, short – term opportunities. It will let you know whether or not you would like working in that sector. It will give you ground experience. Either you will meet your career match or if not, still you will end up having new connections, new skill, and no career gap.

4.) Take Professional help :- Career counsellor with tools and techniques can help you assess your personality type, strengths, weaknesses, interests, motivating factors, values and goals. It saves your hell lot of time and energy.

Update – July – 2023

I took help of career counsellor because in the end I got confused with 2 career stream. I was liking to work in both the fields. I wasn’t able to figure out which one to go for. Career counselling helped me to start in one direction and helped me with career mapping to reach my goal.

Update – Jan 2024

I have become a career counselor myself, helping people like me who go through confusion when choosing between careers. If you need any assistance please reach out to me.



Neha Chauhan

Career Counsellor. I help people achieve Career Growth, help to resolve Career Confusion and help in Career Transition. 📧