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One Thing That Can Help In Your Real Growth?

Sanjay K Biswas
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readApr 14, 2020


Growth is a natural process. Since our birth, we grow. We grow physically and mentally besides in other areas.

Everyone wants to grow but most feel stuck whereas few become unstoppable. Why?

Victim Mindset

We develop a belief system based upon the inputs we get from our surroundings and learnings, since our birth. Unfortunately, these inputs are not structured to put us on the path of the right growth and as a result, we become a victim of circumstances.

We tend to believe that whatever happens to us is due to the circumstances and we have no or very little control over them. This is what is called, Victim mindset.

No real growth is possible with a victim mindset. We are always in a complaining mode and can never take control of our life and without control no real growth is possible.

What is real Growth?

We discussed in the very beginning, growth is a natural process. Whether we like it or not, every moment we are growing. Why then we complain about growth?

We need to understand the difference between natural growth and structured growth. Growth is not just limited to human beings but every living being is made to grow.

What makes us different is, we are gifted and blessed with a powerful brain. Our brain is the most wonderful and powerful creation which each of us possesses.

The unfortunate part is that most of us don't realize the power of our brain and it’s grossly underutilized.

When we talk of real growth, it’s not just the physical growth but the actual component is the mental growth, the mindset.

How to achieve real growth?

We need to understand that the real power lies within us not outside. It’s a matter of realization.

To realize the power within us, we have to realize that it’s our mindset that makes the difference between normal growth and real growth.

The mindset of real growth can be achieved by taking Full Responsibility.

When we learn to take full responsibility, then we come out of the victim mindset and are least dependent on the circumstances.

By taking full responsibility, we develop the power of molding the circumstances in our favor, instead of being controlled by them.

Taking full responsibility is only possible with the realization of our internal power based on mindset.

The best part is, developing the right mindset is in our control. We simply have to have an open mind to change. Change to drain out negativity to make room for positivity.

Change is possible when we have acceptability to change. The resistance to change disappears when we get prepared from within to change rather than it being imposed on us and it comes with taking full responsibility.

The purpose of this short article is to ignite the realization within you that by taking full responsibility you can get into a mindset of real growth and become unstoppable to manifest your dreams.



Sanjay K Biswas
Live Your Life On Purpose

Coach, writer and Online Marketer. Helping people to get into their right mindset and live an abundant lifestyle with purpose.