Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 7, 2020


The heart is the most important part of a person’s body.

A person is able to have courage, compassion, conviction by having a strong heart.

How much a person takes care of it makes a big difference in a person’s life.

Proper care of the heart results in the proper health of a person.

A person must open his heart to others.

Not to think about how the person will react or respond.

It is important to open up in the first place and share your heart out with the person you are close to.

People have a tendency to hide things till the time they can manage it by themselves.

But, After a point when things become uncontrollable. Then they have no one to support them in a crisis situation.

So it’s important to share your heart in a difficult situation and make yourself come out of it.

Do you remember? How you used to share your heart out with your parents or siblings.

how it made you feel after getting the right guidance. How relieved you were after that.

Important thing is to take the first step of opening up to people you are comfortable with.

The next step would be to share your fears or worries with them. If a person shares his fears or worries only to hear what he wants to.

Then it will no be of any good. He should be ready to hear what he did not think about or finds it difficult for him to put in action.

By sharing, the person is wanting to change for the better. As you can get a new perspective to handle your worries or fear.

If a person does not feel like sharing because of back-bitting or distrust from people.

It will only harm the person and will kill the person.

By keeping things under the carpet will not solve any problem. It will aggravate and keep on repeating time — again.

Until a person is ready to address it. The problem will be still the same.

No one has to go and share every bits & piece of their life with the person.

It is all about prioritizing things. Things that trouble most needes first preference.

Resolving that issue by sharing and moving onto the next one after that.

This way you will be able to handle yourself better and come out of any difficult situation.

Everyone has someone’s shoulder to rely on. As I shared above, parents are the most trustworthy people in a person’s life.

They are able to gauge by looking at your face. What are you going through?

So hiding things from your parents is the biggest mistake a person can make.

They will guide you in the best possible direction and always do good for you in any circumstance.

So it’s important not to hide your feelings and share whatever you are going through if not with your parents.

Then share it, people, you have good trust and will guide you in the right direction.

It will be a new experience and will feel relieved of the stress.

You will start loving yourself more and enjoy every bit of your life.

Also, you will become a support to others going through a similar experience in life.

I hope you have gained something from this article. Please share your likes or dislikes in the comments below.

Cheers !!!

