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Patience — A Lost Art, Waiting to Be Found

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readAug 16, 2019


Everyone seems to be in a state of frenzy these days. Everything needs to happen now, now, now. As soon as possible.

Customers heave a heavy sigh at the store as they are standing behind a slow register. Drivers are honking restlessly behind you.

This chaotic, tense behavior needs to stop.

There is a principle I read about recently called flowing vs forcing.

Flowing means releasing positive energy and letting things naturally enter your life while forcing means trying very hard to make things happen quickly out of anger, impatience, worry, or fear.

I believe many impatient individuals are in a forcing state of mind. People might feel this way because they are anxious or have a fear of the unknown or some other negative emotion.

I struggled with this a few years ago, forcing things to happen out of frustration and impatience.

I found that when I let go and trust the process and believe good things will take time but will come, it makes me happier, calmer, and more successful.

It may be difficult at first, but if you just take a moment to reflect on all the wonderful things that you have achieved and experienced, your heart will feel more full and thus your soul will open a window for even more opportunities to come in.

You want to change and you want to make things happen. That’s great, but there is no need to get worked up about it. Do the best you can. Don’t overexert yourself and constantly be in a hurry. Relax and contemplate on life. Good things will come, and you will get to where you want to be if you just have faith and see things in a positive, optimistic light-filled with hope and gratitude. ❤



Live Your Life On Purpose

Engineer. Traveler. Bookworm. Nature lover. Documenting memories, useful tips, musings, and other creative works. Living for Moments and Experiences.