Pay Attention to Those Things You Do Easily

That’s where your self-actualization lies.

Evans Okoro
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

We have all we need to be great. God is really good because he created us with things that will make us live better lives and become the best we can be. But our focus is usually on what the mainstream wants us to be.

Everybody is special. We all have those things that if we keep working on, we would becoming world-class. Mine is writing, as you can see (permit my pride)

Writing comes easy to me, and with my written words, I’ve done way more than I could have imagined in such a short period, and what’s amazing is that it’s just the beginning.

Those things that come easy to you are like a low-hanging fruit for you to take. They’re so clear that all you have to do is notice and then start developing it.

Everyone thinks that you’ll wake up one morning and some fairy will come and tell you that you’re a musician or an artist, but it’s not so. You have to play an active role in finding out what you’re actually good at.

By being active, you give your body and mind the task of revealing what it does best. Trust me, you’d feel it. When you do something that doesn’t correlate with your inner strengths and desires, you feel it.

But the magic starts when you do that thing, and it happens easily. This pandemic has been very interesting because I saw many people who found out things they could do easily and are now actively making strides to get better at those things.

They got there by trying.

You have to try and be honest with yourself. If you try something and it doesn’t feel right, do something else.

One day you will try something you actually enjoy, and that’s when the first step actually begins.

Because it’s all work from then on.

Thank you for reading

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