Photo by AleksKuprFilmz from Pexels

Polarizing ideas

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readJan 21, 2020


Nothing works better for getting public attention as polarizing. Having 2 camps that will go after each other will always generate more clicks and therefore more money. So, if you want awareness and buzz, choose the idea that will polarize people or present it in a way that will polarize the people.

But when you need to make change happen, polarization is not always a good idea, because it means that there are people who are against you. When you need a majority, you need to have as many people at your side as possible and you do that by showing your way and not criticizing theirs. You show a better alternative, a better future.

Polarizing has its benefits, but you won’t change people with that. You won’t convince someone to change by saying he is an idiot.

You won’t convince people to become vegans by saying that everyone who eats meat is stupid and cruel. Sure it will generate some buzz around the topic, but you wouldn’t get many supporters.

You won’t make people in China stop eating dogs by calling them disgusting.

Being criticized and humiliated won’t bring a desire to be better, it will make them fight back.

If you need a majority, it’s better to work around your opinion instead of attacking other’s opinions.

