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Punctuality and the reality

When you think you’re doing a favor but actually you’re just exhausting your energy, then you need to examine yourself if what you’re into benefits your well being.

6 min readJul 6, 2019


It’s always good to be on time with any task or responsibility that you are obliged to do. It may be at your job, on a project you need to finish, in school or just plain meet up with your friends.

Punctuality makes your personality even better because people will think you are one person to be trusted at some point. It enables you to build a good relationship with your employer or co-employees, and to your friends as well.

But there is always a downside of being a punctual employee, a friend, or of being the good citizen you aimed to be and we are aware of that.

Fulfilling an obligation at the right time and being prompt to whatever designated task they assigned to you is punctuality. Being responsible for whatever the result also goes with it.

There is a level of acceptability for being on time or on being even earlier before the time appointed for a start and a deadline on any tasks you do.

I usually come to work on time and mostly even earlier. That is how I abused myself sometimes. When I was studying, I seldom came late to any class I have. I might not be the best student but I treasure time as much as I treasure my precious things.

It’s only the manuscript of my thesis, if I remember it right, which I had accomplished late and my adviser gave me an incomplete mark at first then after revisions and finalizations, I completed at last, with the remark written in my official transcript of records plus a final grade.

There is that evidence how I completed a prerequisite in college before graduation, a memory worth reminiscing before I was able to receive my diploma. We all have those stories of being late.

Punctuality is good but in many situations, people tend to abuse you and you abuse yourself as well without being aware of it until you realize there is something wrong. At times we knew the outcome of our own actions but because we wanted a good reputation, we just ignore it.

Your bosses, friends, or mentors usually admire you on one side but actually, they are taking advantage too, especially to some employers.

I managed myself to be at work on time and leave on time. Sometimes I come earlier and I observed that I am not making any favor for myself most of the time, I am making it for others. Because of that, they became more demanding with my presence.

It’s my fault, I knew that. I let them get used to it. When they asked me favors, it’s as if I am available all the time and that I am always willing to let them take that favor from me. It’s hard to complain and explain your side during such times when you’re not in the mood to provide what they wanted from you.

Sometimes, I just held on my temper even if my blood is on a hundred degrees Celsius especially when they keep reiterating the time that they will give back those hours that they owed you and it never happened. That is the product of one mistake, it’s their gain and your loss. But you don’t need to be mad right away. You can learn from it actually if you know how to use it right.

With all the experiences in your life, it’s better to try to be on the positive side even if the worst strikes you. You must be resilient with any challenges because that makes life more exciting and interesting while pursuing your desires to reach the peak of your success.

I have suffered from anxiety and until now I still do but it’s tolerable. I tried to relax the best that I could, even if the task they gave me is something you need to run from here and there. I did all my tasks with utmost promptness and credibility without showing entirely my exhaustion mentally and physically. They thought I am a tough kind of a wonder woman without the costume and superpower. I can do everything without being tired and frustrated-from them being inconsiderate to others.

I can’t lie, there are some moments I feel down but I just let myself sink into it. It’s part of our imperfect life. But it doesn’t mean you remain in that emotional moment for long. Your mental state affects your physical body in a way that you become over fatigue when your mind doesn’t work well to convince the body to relax. You need to accept that life doesn’t follow a straight path, you will always have detours on the way. Your body fatigue is just temporary exhaustion because you did something worthy, and it will pass anyway. Let your mind control your body positively.

You can’t please everybody

You think they appreciate you for being early or on time, it can be a yes or a no. If they’re thinking you’re doing it for some favors, then it’s maybe a no-yes situation depending on the nature of the job or task bestowed in you and also your intentions. It may be that you wanted a promotion, an increase in salary or just a request for a vacation which they may or may not be willing to provide.

On the other hand, they are very happy about your being punctual because they can let you work more without additional responsibilities on their part. They might tell you that was your own decision with regards to why you were prompt with whatever that was previously assigned to you even if it’s beyond your responsibilities for them. They might say they didn’t ask you for anything, it’s you who had volunteered and you can’t complain in the end. It was all base on your records of being your best trying to impress your superiors hoping they would do some favors for you.

You can acquire an attitude from your experiences

My close friends usually set a time when we decided to meet together. I arrive earlier before them or just on time and I waited patiently for everybody to arrive half an hour or later. It’s infuriating but they’re my friends, we agreed to go somewhere or do something anyway.

Instead of arguing with them for being not on time, we just teased each other, and keep repeating the phrase where even some foreigners used to name us because of our well-known tardiness. We are actually aware of that but it doesn’t mean all of us loved being tardy. It was just the norm where many are doing it unknowingly not minding the consequences. They even thought it was funny but it’s degrading. I am sure, everybody hates being late. But in reality, I learned to be late in some circumstances based on my experiences.

Tardiness won’t let you move where you get stuck . You have to work out your mind to change the way you live and manage your time well for a more purpose life.

I had one employer before, who took advantage of my punctuality but it’s where I learned everything by the process. Observing how employers used you for their advantage enables you to be aware of your own capabilities and weaknesses on how to manage your self, your time, you as an employee and a person as a whole. You can learn from your mistakes and try to be the better version of you without blaming your own mistakes.

Being successful means you embrace all the failure you encounter on your journey. There is no easy life from start to end. And punctuality is one way to aid you with that success. There may be the negative sides of everything but let your motivations be the lead for a better outcome in anything you do.

You want to live a life, then you have to work hard for that kind of lifestyle you desire.

And don’t forget that punctuality has many positive benefits too. Always look at the brighter side.



Live Your Life On Purpose

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky