Typewriter in a museum in Salto, Uruguay. Photo by author.

Reaching New Markets Through a New Medium

The extensive new reach I found on Medium in my first month

DJ Kaiser, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose
19 min readMar 13, 2020


For years I had toyed around with the idea of writing a blog but I wasn’t sure of the platform to use or the platform I would try to create. A colleague introduced me to Medium and I found myself on a new writing adventure.

This piece outlines how I started, what my first-month writing for Medium was like, and lessons that I quickly learned.

My first month was an unexpected success in the eyes of my institution’s PR office and even caught the attention of our university’s chancellor. I am currently planning a public talk at my institution on ways that university faculty can use Medium to reach a wider audience, but what I have to share can benefit anyone new to Medium and in any profession.

In this piece, I will share my real stats from this first month and provide recommendations for anyone trying to reach new markets with their thoughts, words, and ideas.

What’s Past is Prologue

I have always considered myself a writer in one way or another. At the age of ten, I was submitting original poetry to magazines and by age eleven I had co-authored my first “novel” with my best friend. Recently, a high school friend sent me photos of…



DJ Kaiser, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose

Webster University Associate Dean (School of Education) & Director of TESL; world traveler (30+ countries); critical perspective; diversity & Queer advocate