
One life, multiple experiences

Adebola Alabi
Live Your Life On Purpose
1 min readAug 6, 2020


The human race is unique in so many ways.
We are all blessed with the ability to innovate, create, and make decisions.
All other living creatures are not qualified to do these three things.
These abilities create our reflections.

We are unique, but we have different life experiences.
Our life experiences influence our outlook on life.
Our attitude influences the way we react to events around us.
Our attitude is a product of our reflection.

Reflection allows you to put things in perspective.
It lets you walk in other people’s shoes.
You may not share their opinion or views about life.
But reflecting allows you to understand their uniqueness.

You may have never experienced what others have been through
Reflecting will help you catch a glimpse of their lives.
Reflection also lets you know you.
It lets you accept who you are.

Indeed, our lives’ experiences vary
Our reactions differ
Our opinions and views often diverge
Our reflection will ultimately help us to appreciate who we are.

Written in response to Lanu Pitan tag.

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Adebola Alabi
Live Your Life On Purpose

A Certified Financial Education Instructor. Mission is to help bring out the best in others. Thanks for reading my work. Check my website