Running Shoes- Author’s picture

Running the Race of Life

How the journey of running and developing life habits parallel

Amanda Balkema
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readSep 6, 2019


I have recently taken up running (jogging to most people). This is significant because all of my life I’ve made statements like, “I only run if something’s chasing me!” or “Running is torture!”

I know…a little dramatic, but necessary to set the stage. When thinking of actually increasing my pace from a walk to what I’d call a run, it would seem like an impossible task. Until I did it one day.

I have a personality that is NOT Type A. I could sit in a chair, the couch, on a beach and read a book all day. I don’t feel the need to be up and doing something all the time.

So my running journey and my everyday actions to become a more productive person have paralleled each other. I have learned several things over the last year that has helped me to be more productive in life, whether it be my health or my habits!

Get up and get moving

Getting up earlier than what my body would like is something that I am learning to enjoy. I wouldn’t say I’m not a morning person, but as with anyone, the bed feels comfortable, the kids are usually still sleeping, and it’s nice to just linger in the quiet.

However, the longer I linger, the…



Amanda Balkema
Live Your Life On Purpose

A lover of the Jesus, ocean, books, and all things coffee and chocolate. Passionate about helping people with their life and relationships!