Saving money

Live Your Life On Purpose
1 min readDec 4, 2019


Saving money is a good tactic when you need a few extra bucks. Just find the areas where you spend too much on things that don’t matter and cut the cost. That’s it, now you have money for your dream or whatever.

But saving money is a proxy of your income, meaning you can only save as much as you earn. So if you earn 50k per year the absolute maximum of what you can save is 50k. With such income, you wouldn’t become a millionaire soon.

Saving is a defense game while earning is an offense, and to win you need both of them. Sure if we are talking about a small sum of money, you can easily save that. But what if we are talking about something substantial, like a house for example. It will take you a lot of time to save for the house if you have a small income.

Saving money is great, sure we spend a lot of useless things, but it won’t get you that far. Once you optimize your expenditure, your defense, it’s time to think about offense. How can you increase your income? How can you increase your value?

Not only offense, not only defense but defense that leads to offense.

