Harsh Y
Live Your Life On Purpose
9 min readNov 22, 2019


SEO is one of the most trending topics in the digital sphere right now. I don’t think if there is anyone who hasn’t been bitten by the SEO bug.

Be it bloggers, internet-marketers, salespeople, engineers, entrepreneurs, or even small/big institutions, almost everyone is diving in the vast sea of digital marketing, hoping for a secret formula that could turn their business/website into a goldmine by landing it on the first page of Google.

Nobody wants to get stuck on the later pages of the search engine, as someone rightly said, “ The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google.

Everyone is hustling to make to the top page results. But, how many of them actually turn sand into gold?

Those who have a safe and successful landing, are the ones who gain extensive experience in this field, learn the game and who are always ready to take action for it. And, the ones who never settle.

But have you ever thought, what is optimizing those successful people to always be on the front page of life? What are the factors backing their success? What separates them from the crowd?

And, that’s where ‘Self- engine optimization’ comes into the scene.

Okay, let me ask you when was the last time you optimized your life or ‘Self-optimized yourself to make all your dreams come true??

I am sorry! I must be sounding an alien to you, right?

What is this new kind of SEO he is talking about here?”, that’s a little confusing to you, right?

Wait, let me unwrap this for you and make it a little easier for you.

In digital marketing terms, Search engine optimization(SEO) helps you to rank your businesses, websites, and blogs on Google or other search engines. Likewise, ‘Self-engine optimization’ is a way that you can implement to be a better version of yourself and to always stay ahead in the game of life.

If you look closely, you will realize that you can attain immense success just by using the very same techniques marketeers use for SEO.

We are living in the most competitive era ever, where new talents and geniuses are evolving in tons every day, and each of them wants to be on the radar. No one wants to be in second place. Why? Because it represents mediocrity.

And, if you still feel that you are happy and satisfied to be where you are, then don’t blame anyone if you get lost as an ‘ untold story in this exotic book of life’.

But, if you are a dreamer and want to make it big, the time has come for you to SELF-OPTIMIZE yourself and to be the best version of yourself.

Host yourself on pillars of good ethics and morals

Server hosting is one of the prime determining factors when it comes to SEO, the same way when it comes’ to self-engine optimization, our values and ethics play a crucial role in deciding where we stand.

We choose the best server to host our website to optimize its performance and other factors, likewise we should host ourselves on a strong foundation of values and ethics when it comes to ‘self-engine optimization’.

Our values and ethics play a very important part of our life. If we have good values and high morals backing up, then we automatically turn out to be a better version of ourselves. Everyone who made it to the top stresses the importance of having strong pillars of ethical values beneath. They serve as the foundation for us. Don’t settle just being human; strive to be a better human.

Host yourself on the server of high values and great ethics to boost your performance as an individual. If your foundation is strong, no storm can affect take away your sail. Work each day to be a better person than you were yesterday. It’s the very first step on this pursuit of “Self-engine optimization

Add great content to others lives

This is the best mantra preached by almost every digital marketer, “Content is the king”. If you are not aiming to provide valuable and useful content to people, then no matter what you do, nothing can rank you on the search engines.

Same way, when it comes to “self-engine optimization”, what you are giving back to the world holds an important value. How you are making things easier for people, what unique ways you are exploring to solve their problem and what you have with you to give to the world; these things play as content in everyone’s life.

If you want to add value to yourself, add value to other people and the world around you. That’s what most successful people do, and that’s how it works. Deliver your best content to the world, give them a strong reason to choose you. Don’t stay mediocre, carve your way to be unmatchable.

Combine proper research and smart work

Intelligent keyword research determines your chances to dominate SERP’s. Trust me, it’s more of an intelligence and analytic game than an “EGO” game.

If you are a beginner in this game, and you choose a high competitive keyword and almost hundreds of people competing against each other to stay ahead, what are your chances to rank for it? Very rare.

So what is the wise thing for beginners to do while choosing the best keyword:

  1. Do proper research.
  2. Use an analytic mind.
  3. Go for low competition keyword and for long-tail ones.

Same way, if you want to move ahead in the game of life, focus on smart work more than just “hard-work”. Almost 90% of people do hard work, but the one who mixes hard-work and smart work are the ones who triumph the game.

Enthusiasm is excellent quality, but only when it is showed in the right direction and with the right attitude. Just sheer hard work is not enough to turn your gloomy nights into bloomy days.

Work on your analytical side of the brain to explore every door, and at last choose the one which has higher chances to bring the desired results for you. Don’t keep knocking the wrong door just because you think “ You can“.

Make high quality backlinks A.k.a connections

So, what backlinks mean in SEO? It’s the number of websites linking back to you.

The more the high-quality links you gain higher will be your chances of increasing your ranking.

High-quality’ is the key here. The links you gain from the high authority websites play a crucial role. And, as most of us know “1 link from an authority website is far better than 100 low-quality websites”.

Same way, one of the major factors that determines your ranking in life is the ‘people you associate yourself with’. Associate yourself with the ones who motivate you, inspire you, and give you a push to rise higher.

Your environment decides the quality of your life. You become the person you roam around with. Always be very careful when choosing your company. Stop wasting time with the people who are adversely affecting your performance.

Linking yourself to the people who have something to teach you and can uplift you, is the wiser way to climb up the ladder of both success and wisdom. Negate every possible bad-link from your life that’s adversely affecting your performance.

Always be ready to link yourself with people who always ready to elevate you and motivate you. That’s the secret of almost every successful person.

Be ready for uncalled updates

What’s the worst misconception of almost every “wanna- be” SEOs? They underestimate search engines and believe that they can fool them. And, then search engines come with a ‘surprise’ update and shake their game plan by instantly bringing their ranking to the ground.

It’s always advised that apart from wasting time in planning the ways to fool search engines, better utilize that time to learn and understand it’s working and then act accordingly.

So, what’s the best thing marketers do when they get hit by an update? They remain patient and audit everything. And instead of going crazy and finding shortcuts, they explore ways to overcome it with time.

And, that’s a hard truth of life too; “It’s uncertain”. It is entangled with various twists and turns, and whosoever ever tries to control it, simply lost control over everything.

Don’t try to fool life, instead work on yourself to keep you intact and tough when it hits you hard. Don’t just drift around thinking you have smarter ways to deal with it. Because when you do that, life slaps you harder on the face.

Accept it’s uncertainty and work on yourself to stay determined that no update can take away your self-confidence and self-determination.

And, instead of resisting failures learn to tackle them. Don’t let any fear knock you down. Have the courage to rise again, again and again. You always have the choice to start again. Those who take the challenge rise higher and others go on wishing for a more comfortable and stable life.

Good things take time

Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

If you go to a digital marketer and ask him to rank your page on the first page of Google within a day or two, and in exchange, you are willing to offer any amount of money. What do you think he will do? He will show you the door. Those who understand the ‘real’ SEO, also know that it takes time and constant efforts to get rank on Google. It’s not a two-minute instant noodle.

Likewise, if you are striving to be on life’s first page, you have to understand that every good thing takes time to happen. Grow more patient and calm, and keep moving gradually in the required direction. Life awards the one who never leaves the “rope of hope”. No matter what happens, strive to keep your motivation hormones high. Don’t let anything put you down. Just put in the necessary actions and let the time to steer ahead.

There is no shortcut to reach out for the top, those who climbed the ladder did it with their hard work, patience, and persistence. Life has its own course, and sooner you understand this, sooner you will increase your chances to stay ahead in the game.

In the end:

These are the few factors that determine your ranking in life and if you desire to move and stay ahead, you need to master these factors to be unstoppable.

Once you do that, trust me nobody can stop you from hitting the first page. After all, we are not here to live in mediocrity, we are here to rise high and to move ahead in ranking.

If you have goals and if you are brave enough to achieve them, then you have no reason to be on the second page of life.

You should make the best use of every opportunity that can chauffeur you towards excellency, and that’s the only way to reach your true calling.



Harsh Y
Live Your Life On Purpose

An avid self-talker|Blogger | Spiritual but not religious| Exploring innerself|Cancerian| Breakupped.com