Smaller Circle Of Friends Are Better — Harry Potter

How to be the next Golden Trio today

Nicole Sudjono
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readAug 25, 2019


Source from Wikipedia.

Ever got jealous when the people you know have more ‘friends’ than you? Worry not, some of us have been there before. Just like items, quality over quantity. In this case friends. In other words, it’s all right if you have a smaller circle of friends.

These friends in your small circle are the result after you filter your friend lists and they became the people who are willing to be there for you at your worst. We saw this in Star Wars, Avengers, and even Harry Potter, where they grew up together. So in this post, I want to share to you why a small circle of friends can help your self-development by using Harry Potter as an example. Here goes:

1) Did Not See Status To Be Close

Everywhere Harry goes, he was always known as ‘the boy who lived’. He wasn’t able to be just Harry, that was until Ron and Hermione showed up.

The two of them never referred to him much as ‘the boy who lived’. Though maybe as well it’s Harry’s first time having friends, however, these two stuck with him the whole time until their adulthood.

They became closer after seeing’s Harry’s bravery to do all he can to stop Slytherin (the time when Draco was dissing Ron for being poor), and stop Voldemort from invading the world (Voldemort infiltrating Hogwarts via Professor Quirrel, creating chaos in Hogwarts, so the trio solved the mystery of Voldemort together, and many other dangers). But even after all those heroic acts, they have never seen each other as someone so grand and high but as friends still. No status involved.

Throughout the series, it made them closer together because they went through ‘near-death experience’ together. They knew how each other react to the dangers ahead of them and found they all were self-sacrificing. Additionally, all three knew how they react to danger and they were able to cope with them. So for our case, if you have friends who can cope with your worst in danger situation, then they are a keeper, leading to my next point.

2) Support Each Other No Matter What

Throughout the entire series, the three of them were always in trouble. They knew the consequences of getting involved, especially with Harry being the target of Voldemort, Ron and Hermione were still willing to get involved to find the truth behind everything.

The trio were always solving something together and were risking everything every time they were trying to find something about Voldemort. An example, Ron was the frightened type but still brave to join the quest to kill Voldemort.

Hermione was the smartest among the three, obviously, she knows she may be killed in the process but was still willing to join Harry no matter the danger. The both of them supported Harry’s decision to defeat Voldemort no matter the consequences, that’s why we saw them in the Deathly Hallows together looking for the remaining Horcruxes while the other kids were attending Hogwarts as usual.

This is the point where you will feel that having a smaller circle of a friend is so much better because they know who you really are when the rest walks away. In other words, you know you have cheerleaders when no one is there to cheer on you.

So in life, when you are stuck in something, but your friends are still there to support and see you win, then they are your real friends. They know the risk of being with you, but if they saw your worst, and know how you may affect others if they were still willing to stay with you for that, then they are your real friends.

Because, when you are in your worst state, sometimes communication tends to be strained. But your real friends are willing to understand, and they decided to want you to be open with them and vice versa, leading to the next point:

3) Communication Are Always Honest

This is the type where you would find a conversation with your friends are so much better than going to a party because you guys are honest with each other when talking about anything.

In return, all of you are willing to listen to each other’s opinions and share your thoughts together. I find this the ultimate green light that these are your friends who you will still be able to reconnect one day when you all are separated and decided to reunite again.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were always connecting. They know what the other was really thinking, know their true intentions, and able to trust each other. Trust is very important since the very beginning when they encountered danger together.

Throughout the series, the three of them are always comfortable to talk about anything. They can have deep conversations for a long time, think about the future, etc. As a result, they were all best friends even after the war has ended.

In real life, if we are able to talk about anything to these friends and have a deep meaningful conversation for hours on end, then they are your real friends. Real friends also want what’s best for you, hence, the long talk together that you can enjoy for hours on end.

In Conclusion…….

It won’t be as easy as Harry to find your true allies and friends. Most of us do not live in danger like them, so it’ll take some time to find your true friends.

Usually, some of us find them in some of our school friends because they have been with us for a long time. This is not just for Harry Potter. Avengers, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones showed proved this, the actors of each franchise became best friends. So to find your true friends:

  1. Did not see your status to be close
  2. Support each other no matter what
  3. Communication is always honest

I hope that this article helps you find your circle of best friends. Thanks for reading :)

