So…. What about LOVE!

Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readMay 18, 2018

In the beginning, there was Love and then came the Relationship. Love was born in the human heart as an existential gift. The relationship was born in some kind of practical understanding of life; that love needs grounding, some expression, a sharing in some way on a solid ground.

This sharing and commitment gave birth to a bonding with others and formation of various relationships.

In these defined relationships, gift-love got transformed into need-love in the forms of husband and wife, the parents and their children, brothers-sisters and cousins, far away cousin and friends and strangers.

This was a real grounding for love, and with it came not just the sense of natural belonging, but the loss of freedom, suffocating attachments and clinging, leading to all kind of emotional sufferings and psychological violence.

This can be called falling in love — in the real meaning of the word.

Often we have been using this expression of falling in love in various romantic terms also — Laila and Majnu, Romeo and Juliet — there are so many such examples.

These stories seem to be other-worldly, but in reality, they are very worldly.

The really divine stories happen in mystic unions of Sita and Rama, Radha and Krishna, and so many other divine beings. These mystics existed in human forms, but they attained enlightenment through meditation and transformation of love.

For them, it was certainly a rising in love, and not falling in love.

In ordinary life, when people fall in love, they become calculative and their love becomes conditional and full of expectations.

This real love has to be an unconditional sharing to blossom in its absolute manifestation, like a rose flower that shares its fragrance without any expectation. This rarely happens in our ordinary relationships.

It does happen wherever the relationship is based on meditation. It happens between the enlightened mystics and their close disciples. It is unconditional love without any attachment and expectation.

It is pure freedom.

This could happen between ordinary individuals also if they evolved into this understanding of bringing a flame of meditation in their life and radiate in love.

Yeah I know I’m really addicted with word MEDITATION, but from very early my dad introduced this in my not so happening life…for me it’s just not a state of peace or relaxation, it is something that brings our inner self to point where energies can be drawn to achieve the objective that we have in ourselves which we sometimes try to suppress.

I know a little typical but that’s how I am…

So, try to Rise in love not just Fall in love.

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