Someday Does Not Exist: Start When You’re Not Ready!

Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 10, 2019


Someday is a time that only exists in your imagination, yet you bet your dreams and life on it. When you ask the average person, what do you want in life?

You’ll get responses like: SOMEDAY, I’ll like to be happy, rich, and successful. You linger onto the hope of reaching your full potential- someday. A date that is not definite, but arbitrary, and left to a series of random events, to manifest your dreams into reality.

I hate to break it to you but someday it does not exist. It’s an illusion.

Someday is not coming!

Someday is the great thief of potential. It leads people to believe that some time far in the future, they’ll act on their dreams. And that is deceptive.

One of the greatest motivational speakers, Les Brown stated :

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Don’t Be Afraid To Take The First Step

The path towards achieving your dreams is taking the first step. Your first step may not be perfect, but it will give you the momentum you need to work towards achieving your dreams. Every other step or action builds on your initial steps.

To achieve your dreams, you need to start.

When you hope on someday, you allow the present moment to fade into history without making any progress towards your dreams.

Years pass by, and you look back and wonder where did time go. Five, ten, fifteen years and not much has changed. Your dreams are untouched, and your life has not evolved.

And when you’re old and look back on your life, you’d end up regretting the lack of actions you took towards pursuing your dreams, because you were waiting on a someday that never came.

The Present Is The Only Moment That Exists

Instead of waiting, realize that all you ever have is the present. At some point in time, your past was experienced in the present, and your future will only be experienced in the present.

So let go of the idea that someday you’ll get started and get started today.

Start small and build momentum.

Commit to showing up daily to work on your dreams, and watch over time, how much you achieve from when you initially started.

Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash

You Never Know How Achieving Your Dreams May Impact Others

Imagine what the world would’ve been like if Bill Gates, Oprah, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg never took the first step? Now imagine what the world may experience because you decided to take the first step?

You have talents and gifts that the world needs, so stop being selfish and start now.

All it takes is one person.

One person, driven by a strong desire and consistent actions to make their dream a reality.

This person can be you.

You can make a difference.

Every great thought, idea, decision, action, or moment is experienced in the now. Now, you are constantly faced with choices. Choices that move you closer to the life that you want, and choices that move you further away from your desired outcome.

Ultimately you get to decide.

Whatever you decide comes with its own consequences.

Read More at SyeraLove



Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose

I write to inspire others to become the best versions of themselves. You can connect with me on or