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Sometimes it’s hard to deal with your own conscience

Or it’s just your big heart and belief not to hurt anybody.

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJul 13, 2019


Who else will you complain about the intricacies of life if it’s not you or yourself, in front of a mirror or just barely listening to your own voice scolding the shit out of you? It’s kinda healthy they said. Pore it out when you’re alone when nobody’s there to listen to you instead of hurting someone’s feeling.

How is it so hard to have too much compassion in you.

Kindness is one of the greatest virtue in life but when is it really enough? No one can be judged as a perfect human being just because of being too kind. This trait can be annoying if abused. But is it really abuse to you're well being trying to be the kind person that you are?

I have dealt with people my age, even younger and older. I even have met some who don’t even know how to get angry, if there is something like that in the record. Or maybe they were gifted with such high tolerance and temperament to any frustrating situation, which is seldom found in an individual.

Whether it be something that needed discussion or just plain silence, they don’t give a damn to put out their feelings into it because they thought it would just make it worse or doesn’t contribute anything for their well being. It can be a fact, but silence can’t solve all issues so as doing the opposite of it. There are things that need your action and others that needed to just leave it as it is, no need for any discussions to avoid arguments.

Being too good can’t make you a god or a goddess. Pretending not to be angered by some irritable matters is also not healthy. You have to weigh things up, when to keep silent or when to confront the situation. I have learned this along my journey. I never complained to the concerned. I blamed myself and talked at my back instead. The end product is only me being hurt longer.

It surely affects our mental state.

Showing people that you are always okay even if you have the guts to talk out your feelings don’t bring you any benefit. It will just make you more anxious with yourself, will give you sleepless nights and negative thoughts on you as well.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Compassion is natural within us but sometimes because of it, we make mistakes. We pity the person because he or she might be suffering emotionally or they might look pitiful if we confront them, so we just pretend to be the kinder one even if our thought is against it.

We try not to be the victim because we are afraid that the other person will be hurt and we don’t want that to happen. Although it’s obvious that the situation needs some serious discussion, we prefer to choose the best we think can solve the issue.

My past employer usually gave my salary late and she never said sorry and never explained why. She felt she is always right. But the problem in me was, I never had the energy to tell her to her face that what she ‘s doing is not okay on my side. I need to be paid on time unless there is a serious problem that impeded it.

Your mistakes let you suffer if you won’t correct it by yourself.

I just let her do that over and over until she abused it. Throughout the years working with them, I had known her quite well, the situation where she is and her personality as a whole, so I just let her be her.

I did try to keep understanding every situation there is as much as I can and she continued not to see the worth of it.I’m not a perfect employee but I knew I did my job well and I tried not to complain about anything within my duty.

It does have an impact negatively but at least I left her something to remember from me. The morality from a simple employee, who doesn’t know how to complain at first but because of her, my resilience came out before we parted ways. I became more serious about my rights, which I knew at the very beginning.

Knowing the law and your rights make you more confident. Don’t be too kind to others, let that kindness be to yourself first. I just needed the job that time that’s why I humbled myself. It’s actually one way to build yourself better. But know that everything is temporary.

You have to strive for a better tomorrow. If it’s meant to start from the bottom, do it with dignity and integrity. Just gain your foundations well and keep going. Experiences can build the best version of you.

Just as our life is imperfect and we are imperfect humans, you can’t be considerate all the time. There is a limit to everything as there is always the case that you can reach the peak of your patience and understanding towards others. Your life needs balance, in words and in deeds.

Life is tough but we need a tougher reaction. Turn your struggles into positivity and for sure you will gain what you desire.



Live Your Life On Purpose

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky