Stop Re-Telling Your Tale of Woe

and stop reliving those painful emotions again and again

Lizzee Bee
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readOct 30, 2019


Everyone has a tale of woe. Do you know that hard-luck/bad-luck/you won’t believe what just happened to me story?

Those events that are somewhere in between a rude so-and-so stealing that parking bay you were waiting patiently for; and devastations involving violence, loss, and grief.

A friend was telling me her recent bad-luck travel disaster awhile ago. For the second time. And she got just as wound up and agitated telling it the second time as she did the first. Time was obviously not working its healing magic.

It got me to thinking about what good all this venting was doing her. Sure, venting can help in processing bad experiences. Relieving that pressure valve of pent up emotions can do you the world of good, but maybe only if you let that release be one-way and don’t suck it back in to let it brew up and explode all over again.

The disaster unfolds

My friend had organized a “once in a lifetime” holiday for her and her husband for their 25th wedding anniversary. Sadly they had booked with Thomas Cook in the UK, the travel company that recently went bust.



Lizzee Bee
Live Your Life On Purpose

Figuring myself out one post at a time. Disenchanted corporate person. Writing about life and stuff.