Tame Chaos With Composure

René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readSep 25, 2020

I would like for you to consider, just for a moment, the importance of understanding something before approaching it. As simple as it may seem, your Understanding is the very ground you stand on before you stand up for something. A weak foundation leaves you quite vulnerable — so building yourself a strong Understanding is only necessary, don’t you agree?

But, as we both know, building such a foundation does ask for a great deal of effort

More mental than physical, your Endurance, Tolerance and Wit are tested — putting in such an effort each day is not as tiring as thinking about putting in such an effort. The mind sways and stirs as it is fed thoughts designed to make the task seem much more than it is. But, if you must face this process, which demands a great deal of effort, why waste energy on thoughts that don’t matter?

This is where I found power in Composure

You cannot expect to hide in your state-of-calm, the unexpected will find and surprise you. Such an expectation leads only to disappointment, leaving you vulnerable to the Chaos living outside. I have often been fooled and humbled by this, but being a proud stubborn-hearted person, I noticed something rather interesting here.

The Chaos living outside wins only when it has successfully influenced the Chaos living inside

Yes, you do have Chaos living inside you — it is your Arrogance, Frustration, and Stubbornness. The world may know little of it, but you know of its power in you. It is best you accept and let yourself be humbled by it. Use it, rather, as a source of energy to help return you to yourself and fight with Reason. Use your internal Chaos to save you from being tamed by the external Chaos.

I will finish this with the great words of Marcus Aurelius:

Within ten days you will seem a god to those to whom you are now a beast and an ape, if you will return to your principles and the worship of reason.”

If I leave you with anything from my own learnings, let it be these:

Develop Yourself A Faculty For Composure

As I learned, a faculty is much more than a block at my University. It is a mental ability designed and developed by you to recognize yourself facing some obstacle. It then changes your perspective of the Obstacle into an Opportunity, which strengthens the very faculty. You could develop any faculty, you probably have many in you already, but I ask to you develop one for Composure.

Notice as well, I mentioned “Design” and “Develop”

Imagine someone in an unbearable situation but acting in the best way possible — let it be far-fetched. Use this as a guide as you face your moments. Keep in mind, with developments of any sorts comes a wide stream of failures, retrospectives and improvements. Let these failures help you improve. Let this process help you become the very person you imagined.

Don’t go on discussing what a good person should be. Just be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius

You Will Be Stirred — Accept It

The development of this faculty is arduous and trying. I can honestly say, I was a fool for assuming it would save me from the feelings and thoughts pulling me away from my Peace. I would like to save you from the same assumption. Neither of us can predict the timing of Chaos, it will come along when it will, throwing us in the depths of despair.

But your Faculty for Composure will return you safely from despair

This faculty is your fail-safe — it is the words you say and the thoughts you hold to help you better face Chaos. Know that Chaos finds everyone, but not everyone is willing to face it. Such a task demands great Courage, but the victory is where the splendor lies. The battle is trying, but what else can you expect when you’re fighting for your very self?

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ’Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death” — Leonardo da Vinci

Composure Helps You Be Responsible For Yourself

Once you comprehend and grasp the fact that you alone are responsible for yourself, then only will you begin to find your Peace around you. It is not found only in perfect surroundings, or perfect people — it is found in perfecting your Self.

Composure will remind you of this

It does not ask you to ignore your feelings, it asks you to embrace them. It asks you to use them to face the Chaos without succumbing to it. Composure returns you to your sane thoughts, helping you see the task ahead as a true test of yourself. In this battle, you will find great satisfaction, for you will know what you are fighting for.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have mentioned how Composure can greatly assist the process towards understanding something, but it goes beyond this. It lives in each thing you do and the way you do it. It is the Grace and Patience you hold to save you from worrying about what you can’t control, regardless of the situation you face.

Composure keeps you with yourself as you face Chaos

I understand this may seem far-fetched, and considering the Chaos lurking in each moment, this may seem impossible. But I ask only to keep this in mind and strive after it. I do not feel this Virtue is achievable like a medal or trophy, rather it is maintained and strengthened each time you choose it. And each time you do, you win, for Chaos failed to make you someone you no longer are.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ― Rabindranath Tagore

Invest In Your Existence, Kind Reader.



René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose

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