Photo by Charles AQRp2NH on Unsplash

That yellow mood

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJul 2, 2019


There are just a lot of bright stories that we can learn from, some nonsense and the others enlightening.

Yellow is the brightest color of the visible spectrum and the most noticeable by the human eye.

Who wouldn’t love yellow when it brightens somebody’s dark moments. Bright days usually come with a yellow shade which has a typical effect on the feelings of having fun and being playful. Every time I see or wear something with yellow, it generates my mode of thinking in an inspiring direction. The color is considered to be the happiest among all the colors in the spectrum.

I know of an architect who loves playing with colors in his projects. It really made his buildings very stunning and interesting. The schools he designed are truly a work of art. I would always be excited to enter those if I were one of the students. It gives me the enthusiasm to be always present in my class. Bright colors make a small space look even spacious because the color effect enables it to look wider.

It might be a temporary stress reliever to some but can have a great impact on many. I particularly don’t love bright colors before but when I have learned to associate it with my things and in my daily life, it helped sharpen my mentality to become more active and moving.

When I am in a good mood, I wear yellow or some other bright colors, same when in a bad mood. We don’t want to wear dark when we are down, right? Nobody wants to look miserable as our bad days. Wear your dark colors and associate it with good moments. We all aim for happy moods, that is for sure.

Summer has long started because I came from a vacation in southeast Asia and it’s really hot there. Here in the Middle East, summer seems to never end. We almost have 8 months of hot to warm climate then comes winter or might be springtime somewhere in the west. You can actually do almost every activity in any season except wearing warmer clothes during cold times. Seasons are even unpredictable nowadays because of global warming.

The thing is, seasons may change as well as our moods but for fashion, it’s always wonderful especially that we have many colorful options everywhere.

I love wandering along accessory and clothing shops, window shopping in every place I can see and sometimes shopping when the budget is there of course. It’s a stress reliever for me in some part. You don’t need to buy, just look and appreciate the displays, same as glancing at the picturesque nature you adore. It’s far from a comparison but at least it can tickle your melancholic state in a temporary way, maybe partly or as a whole.

The colorful designs on display is already a treat to an individual who loves to appreciate simple things, to those who choose to live positively and to those who prefer to look at simple things as though they are a source of unsolicited happiness. I love the brighter colors, particularly the yellow ones, the marigold or the mustard, all shades of yellows, they are all lovely.

What makes yellow always in fashion?

Yellow is the color of sunshine. When we imagine that hot ball of matter at the center of the Universe, we always imagine it to be yellow. It’s something that gives joy, hope, and happiness, to mention a few. The sun gives life to our universe so as brightness gives joy to life.

Bright days which is associated with a bright yellow color may boost our intellect and energy. You compare your winter madness with summer. It’s always better to arouse cheerfulness, not because of the hot climate which I know we don’t love it much unless we’re cooled down, rather than to be mad in a dark place during winter because days have less sunshine that affects moodiness.

It stimulates our mental activities.

When the day is good and the sun shines brightly, I am usually more on my active mood working. I guess most of us do. I just hate being exposed under the sun- it’s not already healthy to be under such impinging for too long. For those who work outdoors, it may be tough but without any choices, there is always what we call an indoor and outdoor job just like the balance of nature.

Everybody has their own life, different kind of jobs, and moods toward achieving their goals. We just have to find ways to look for the brightness of every moment and make it colorful. It may not be literally but in a way that we can enjoy the beauty of living.

When we love what we have, what we do and where we are in our lives, that’s already an achievement. Put color into it and make life more interesting.

Colors give life to life the same as brightness gives happiness to those who seek it.



Live Your Life On Purpose

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky