The 3 Best Books for Getting Started With Stoic Philosophy

And what you can learn from them

Mighty Knowledge
Live Your Life On Purpose


“A Stoic is someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.”

Nassim Taleb

Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay

Stoicism is the most powerful, practical philosophy out there. The philosophy is focused on living in a way that makes us more resilient, wise, happy, and fulfilled. If you want to live a rich life (metaphorically speaking) in the real-world, then stoicism is right for you.

Being such a powerful philosophy, it’s no wonder it has been used and heavily endorsed by some of history’s greatest leaders. Former Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, former president George Washington, former president Theodore Roosevelt, General James Mattis, and Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, were all users and huge supporters of stoic philosophy.

For learning any new subject, your starting point is crucial. You’ll want to read things that give you the most valuable information quickly without too much heavy theory and confusion. I’ve put together a short list with the 3 best books to get you started on stoic philosophy and teach you valuable life lessons.

