The 5 Traits of a Strong Character

The traits that make you strong, reliable, and tenacious

Jovan Cicmil
Live Your Life On Purpose


Can a weak person be a good person?

Some philosophers would argue that, without the capacity for evil, one cannot be good — one can merely be obedient. What separates the good from the obedient is:

1) the independence of thought that allows someone to plan and execute freely

2) the strength of character to control the urges that don’t align with their moral compass

To recognize a person of strong character is to know whom you can trust and rely upon. To be a person of strong character is to be honest, resilient, and dependable. It is of utmost importance for you and those close to you. Here are five distinct traits to identify and aspire to.

How you deal with adversity

If someone’s first instinct when they are facing adversity is to cast blame, they are not to be relied upon. Casting blame is usually a mechanism for avoiding responsibility. This person cannot be counted on in hard times, as they will put more effort into protecting their fragile emotional balance than into solving the problems at hand.

The person you want by your side in hard times is the person who takes responsibility for…

