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The Best Step You Can Take Next Might Be to Escape

But it’s just a first step!

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 13, 2020


Have you ever felt like you were trapped living somebody else’s life? That you needed to escape? Maybe you even feel that way now…

It’s something, unfortunately, that I think happens to a lot of people as they finally enter and get settled into adulthood. As children, we’re all encouraged to dream and think big. We’re encouraged to imagine a future filled with passion and possibility.

But as we graduate and go off to join the workforce, we’re given a very different default set of expectations as to what it takes to “make it in the world.”

I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned in my adulthood journey (so far) about creating a life full of purpose and meaning.

Myths of Drudgery, Sacrifice, & Scarcity

Have you ever heard any of these work myths? (Maybe you’ve even thought some of them yourself):

Work is supposed to be dull if not painful, the opposite of fun and play.

Work is supposed to be sacrifice, you can’t be successful in your career and have lots of time for friends and family.



K. Joia Houheneka
Live Your Life On Purpose

"The World's Premier Excellence Coach" empowering entrepreneurs building high-end, premium, and luxury brands - On a Mission to Elevate Luxury