The Easiest Way to Have Fresh Produce on Hand At All Times

Sherry Chapman
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readSep 20, 2018


USDA recommends at least 5 fruit and vegetable servings per day. Source: rawpixel on Unsplash

In an effort to eat healthier by eating more vegetables, I signed up for a weekly CSA this summer. Each week is a learning experience. That is one of the reasons why I will sign up again in 2019.

Wikipedia defines CSA as…

A Community-supported agriculture, commonly referred to as a CSA model, is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms.

In simpler terms, I signed up online with a farm and agreed to pay them a specified amount in exchange for food that is produced on their farm. Some only grow vegetables, others include fruits, and some raise livestock for meat and eggs.

You usually pick a size you prefer — 2 person family, 4 person family, etc. You agree to receive whatever the farm has in season for that week or time period.

They will fill your package with the items, and you pick it up either at the farm or another agreed meeting place. The period usually lasts through the growing season but could last all year long. Some require a seasonal commitment and others will allow you to cancel at anytime.

I did some research online and found several options that were available locally. I…



Sherry Chapman
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writer, animal lover, traveler, caregiver and seeking the unconventional life in bits and pieces.