The Fear of Failure is the Only Thing that Stands Between You and Your Dreams

Sergei Alex
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readFeb 14, 2020


Have someone ever thought of this or wondered? I think that every person on this planet seeks his own perfection, someone reaches it, someone just gives up on a halfway, without doing anything in his life — just living in the world of dreams and desires.

You should remember one thing that no one will remember you for your thoughts. Only for your actions and words, you will be remembered, maybe even you would be someone's ideal in the future.

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” — Carl Bard

There are four important things that I am following in my life: ideas, dreams, desires and realization. I try to pursue these things overcoming all the obstacles that appear on my way and reaching everything I want in my life.

Just following one quote “There are no borders, there are only obstacles”, I have made my ordinary life better. Pursuing everything with power and desire, for it to come true, that every obstacle on my way seems to be a small stone which is easy to move because if I wish something to come true and I have a strong desire for doing it, I can make everything possible, even those things about which I only wondered.

“When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.” — Mary Kay Ash.

Like all the dreams or wonders have the power to come true. It is impossible to follow dreams at a leisurely pace. I need to give them 100 percent of my effort if I want to achieve them.

In my case, a lot have done Parkour as a way of life. I gained everything I could from this discipline, by acknowledging its philosophy — I have changed myself and become such a person as I ever wanted to be.

I understood what is capable of our human body, in front of me I saw a new ideal. With no obstacles on my way, I start to realize, that every moment of my life is valuable and I should take everything from it.

Inspiration is part of something deeper than our personality. It is the most important thing, by enjoying listening to music, admiring the beauty of nature, talking with interesting people — all of this gives me a chance to think about who I am in reality and what negative sides of myself should I change. I always see a solution on what to change in my life to be better tomorrow, but I always have to beat my fears and be one step closer to my ideal.

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Like a lot of people ask me why I am so positive or why I always have a good mood — the answer is simple. Why I should be sad — if we build our life in our own way. I have a lot of positive moments in my life to be happy and I can spread a piece of this happiness with others, who have difficulties.

If something that I ever wanted to happen — happens or I finally have achieved it, I think — yes finally I reached it and I have my ideal. Then suddenly on this peak, I start to understand that there are still so many unknown roads there, which are not achieved or reached.

After this, I start to move on my next destination in life, with all the inspiration I have already gained, with all the joy that I have and desire to achieve something new, only with one dream, that one day I will be the person that I always wanted to be, but this dream will never end…

At first, you need to understand yourself, only after this, you would be able to change your life.



Sergei Alex
Live Your Life On Purpose

Software Developer in IT-Company. Ordinary guy who likes to do sport and code. I also like to play LOL and other computer games.