The Formula You Need To Reach Your Goals

Stephanie M. Sanchez
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readFeb 22, 2020


A short, simple, and not so sweet approach to success.

t’s time for a reality check; most of us tend to overcomplicate our lives.

We overthink every detail. We procrastinate starting something new. We list all the things that can go wrong.

We make things much harder than they have to be, obsessing over having it all figured out. So, by the time we want to start something new, we’re exhausted from stressing out about it.

Then, we wonder why it feels so hard.

Trust me; I get it. Welcome to being human!

The problem is we spend so much time overthinking and analyzing instead of actually doing.

That’s what we’re here to change

First Lesson: Messy action is better than inaction.

Stop spending so much time in your head, trying to build up the courage to take the first step.

Here’s a secret, you don’t need courage.

Yes, it’s great not to feel afraid; it’s great to feel ready.

But if you’re waiting for the fear to disappear before you start making moves, you could be waiting forever. Or, even worse, you’re missing out on countless possibilities that could have happened if you just got up and did it.

Why wait?

Stop waiting. Go do it now.

Starting something new isn’t supposed to be easy.

You’re not supposed to have it all figured out.

You’re supposed to get out there and start learning.

I know there’s plenty of guides on how to reach your goals, and I’m not discrediting them. But without these five practices, you’re going to feel like you’re constantly struggling.

If it’s feeling difficult for you to reach your goals, or even worse, like they’re unattainable, you’re overcomplicating them.

Whether it’s a weight loss goal, business goals, or you’re running a marathon.

These five qualities are essential to your success.

1. Patience

If you remember anything from this article, remember this.

Patience is the number one quality that separates achievers from quitters.

If you’re training for a marathon, you don’t expect to be able to run 25 miles overnight. That type of endurance takes time.

You have to build up to it.

You have to push yourself.

You have to take breaks.

You have to rest.

Any athlete will tell you that it takes time for the body to adjust, and rushing it only leads to injury and frustration.

Secret number two, the mind works this way too.

You need to give your brain time to understand how important this is to you.

You say you’d love to lose weight, but you also say you love beer, pizza, and tacos. In the beginning, your brain doesn’t know which one you love more.

It wants to go back to the old. It knows that beer, pizza, and tacos will make you happy. It’s saying, “Hey, let’s just do this. This will make us happy right now!”

Having urges to quit or having doubts doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human.

Give yourself time to adjust.

The more patient you are in the process, the more likely you are to succeed.

2. Commitment

This one’s no secret; commitment is key to reaching your goals.

But it’s not just about committing to your goals. It’s about committing to your why.

Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you want to start a business?

Why do you want to win this race?

How will these accomplishments make you feel?

If you don’t know the answer to that question, this is why you’re failing.

Picture this. You go for a job interview at a company you love.

This position offers more money, larger office space, and will look great on your resume.

The manager then asks you, Why do you want this position?

And you say, well I want more money. Yeah, that doesn’t sound very convincing, and I’m sure you’re not surprised, but you don’t get the job.

That’s the message you’re sending your brain when you haven’t defined why your goals are important to you.

When you’re having moments of doubt and fear, and your mind and body are tired of pushing, your brain needs a reason to persevere.

Your brain needs to be reminded, “This is why I want this.”

If you’re not clear on your why it’s going to feel a lot harder to push through when challenges appear, and remember, challenges are part of the process.

Some examples are:

I want to reach this goal, so I can feel strong, accomplished, and valued.

I want to start a business so I can feel freedom and power in my life.

I want to lose weight so I can feel healthy and confident in my body.

Whatever goal you’re trying to reach, be clear on why it’s important to you. Because when you feel like quitting, this is what helps you persevere.

Empty promises mean nothing.

Get intentional.

3. Consistency

This one is short and sweet. When making a goal, you need to have a plan.

Structure and stability make all the difference in success.

But don’t forget step one; implementing this structure can take time.

Be patient and stay consistent

Make sure you do one thing every day to keep you on track with your goals.

Small steps are better than no steps.

4. Rules & Rewards

To stay committed, you’re going to have to discipline yourself when things get tough.

There will be challenges.

You will get tired.

You may want to give up.

But, establishing a routine is going to help you show up on days when you really don’t want to.

The brain thrives off routine. I know it feels hard now, but the more you discipline yourself early on, the easier it becomes.

Whether you want to start waking up at 5 am, start running, or are trying to change your diet. In the beginning, your body’s going to resist it.

It’s your job to change that.

Our brains are wired to use previous neural connections or “shortcuts” to give us information.

If you want to start implementing new habits, you have to train your mind.

This is the phase where discipline is the most crucial. Make rules for yourself, then reward yourself after.

Some examples are:

Rule: Wake up at 5 am every day. Reward: Eat my favorite breakfast

Rule: Go for a run 5x a week. Reward: Listen to my favorite playlist

Rule: Answer all my emails before 12. Reward: Lunch at your favorite restaurant with a friend!

By doing this you’re telling your brain “When I do this behavior, I get this reward”

Before you know it, the resistance is gone, and you’re waking up at 5 am with no alarm!

I know starting something new feels challenging and scary, but it also gets to be fun.

Make yourself rules you can stick to, and reward yourself after.

You deserve it.

5. Accountability

Community and support make all the difference!

People like to skip this step. They want to keep their goals all to themselves, thinking, “What if I fail?”

Secret number three: Nobody cares if you fail. We all do

Don’t keep your goals and ambitions a secret; share them with the world!

Find someone that’s been on a similar path and ask them questions!

Having a supportive community will be one of your greatest assets in achieving your goals.

Whether it’s hiring a professional or asking a friend, get yourself a community of people that can help you learn.

There are so many opportunities out there these days!

Join a Facebook Group

Hire a Mentor

Join a Meet-Up

Ask a friend

We live in a world filled with knowledge. There’s always something you can learn to help you reach your goals.

We were all beginners once.

Don’t be shy; ask for help.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Final Thoughts:

It’s up to you change your life. If you’re not hitting your goals, it because you haven’t implemented the right actions to achieve them.

Failure is part of the process; giving up is not.

Be patient with yourself and the process. Establish a routine. Take small steps every day. Reward yourself. Build a community. Remember these five practices, and you’ll be able to make the changes you need to succeed.

You got this.



Stephanie M. Sanchez
Live Your Life On Purpose

Content writer & creative with a background in Psychology & Education and a deep love for learning all I can about life.