The Importance of Break For a Meaningful Life

They can also help improve overall job satisfaction

Godofredo Rojas
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readJul 22, 2020


To make your decisions wisely, you should have a clear mind. For a clear mind, you need a break from all the tensions.

Before, I wasn’t aware of how important to take a break is. Just when I used to work, I wanted to achieve more in less time. Finish that task in hand right away. Meanwhile, I was getting ready for the next project. The results weren’t always what I was expecting to. Why? Because I was not taking breaks to think about it.

Taking breaks while you are working allows you to analyze better, to overthink in a good way what your next decisions will be, and with a clear mind, decide better. It allows you to see the bigger picture. We can find those small details that we can see when we are inside of the box. Sometimes the creative that we all have inside flourish while you are taking a break.

Breaks aren’t just there to make employers take it easy on their workers, they are there for the good of employees. Did you know even a 30-second microbreak can increase your productivity by up to 13%? Or that a 15-second break from staring at your computer screen every ten minutes can reduce your fatigue by 50%?

“Research shows that we need to take a break and…



Godofredo Rojas
Live Your Life On Purpose

Trader by Day, Writer by Night. I pour my love of the market's ebbs to unpacks the complexities of day trading, personal growth, and financial savvy.