The Joy of Giving: The More you give, the More you Receive

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 30, 2019
The Joy of Giving: The More you give, the More you Receive

People around the world are waiting for someone to hold them and be there if they require help. The more we can hold them and give our little time & compassion can make a big difference in their lives.

The joy of giving is indescribable because it takes courage to give something from your life to others. It is not easy to do something for another person.

But if we have the heart to do something for others without expecting anything in return makes the difference.

The joy of giving makes a person expand his or her life to a great extent. The best part is it gives a sense of satisfaction after doing your bit for people in your environment.

The mere act of giving fills a person’s life with joy and his own happiness multiplies.

As we have an example of Mother Teresa. She took every life she met precious than her own life and did her best to support them. She was never concerned about her own well-being and her full focus was on others.

She was one lady who took every person’s pain & suffering and gave them hope & courage.

The more we do for others and it all comes back to us in different forms. Every life is precious and important. How a person treats another person is very important as it reflects a lot about his own life.

The Quote on Joy of Giving is as follows: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” — Winston S. Churchill,

we must have experienced it in life. when we have given something or done something for someone it actually gives a sense of satisfaction and makes you feel so positive about yourself.

The joy of giving only happens when a person is full of gratitude for himself and is ready to come out of his comfort zone to make a difference in another person’s life.

Gratitude is the starting point of anything. If the person is full of complaints and criticism then it will be difficult for that person to feel gratitude for himself.

One of the most important things for our own happiness is the act of giving joy, happiness, courage, compassion to others.

The more we give to others, the more we get from the universe. Your relative happiness will come from materialistic things but your genuine happiness will come from giving to others.

So the heart to give others is important for us to contribute to building a society of peace & harmony.

we have many live examples of people who have done great things for humanity. Our small contribution will also make a big difference in society.

If we ourselves are feeling hopeless or depressed. Then the most important thing is to go out and give hope & courage to others and then see what happens.

You will surely have changed something in your life and feel much better.

