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The Key to Lasting Happiness Is Winning a Genetic Lottery

Research reveals happiness is highly hereditary.

Sudiksha Dhoot
4 min readJun 2, 2020


Do you know cheerful and bubbly people who are always willing to try new things and be in novel situations? Pleased with their lives and optimistic about the future? Perhaps you are one of them.

On the flip side, do you know people who are usually somber, cynical about their abilities and the future?

Ever wonder why their thoughts, attitudes, and emotions vary so much?

Psychologists have the answer.

Subjective well-being

Subjective well-being is the scientific term for happiness and life satisfaction, defined as “people’s cognitive and affective evaluations” — thoughts and feelings — about their lives.

A person with high subjective well-being appraises her life and current situation as positive. She predominantly experiences pleasant feelings like enjoyment, contentment, and optimism, rather than negative ones like anger, stress, or depression.

Why are some people happier than others?



Sudiksha Dhoot
Live Your Life On Purpose

I love stories—in prose, films, & TV. In search of my ikigai & chic blue-light glasses. Can’t get enough of: ramen