Disney & Neflix’s Shere Khan.

The Power Difference Between Intimidation and Devious In People

Nicole Sudjono
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readMar 28, 2019


There are lots of ways people can spark fear. Some have the traits of frightening people right off the bet, and some made them afraid of what they are capable of.

For this example, I am going to use the Shere Khan from 2016 and 2018 to show how the power of intimidation and devious works. Hopefully, by learning this, you can spot those people to be careful with.

Note: People with this traits are not always evil, but there are times you will need to know what kind of people you are dealing with because sometimes, they may come up as leaders die to their skills.

Voice Pitch & Tone, and Facial Expression

The Shere Khan in 2016 had more power in his voice. He had no sense of humor (At least in the scenes when he wanted Mowgli), never smiled, nor changed his deep tone. His voice is always intimidating to spark fear among everyone.

That is why when we first see him, he doesn’t talk yet or have any expression. After he killed Akela, he told the rest of the pack “you do not respond to me”. The Gif above showed this.

See how it creates so much power in just those words and movement?

This is an act to spark fear through strong intimidation.

Psychologically, when someone does not react first in an event where everyone has eyes on them such as arguments, it meant that they have something to say and that they are not afraid. A sign of confidence. It is all to show that he meant business and prefers that his time is better not be wasted.

This kind of people exist in real life.

You will find that they will find a way to make an impact and will always go straight to the point no matter what. You see a lot of this trait in people like Carrie Fisher or Duterte.

The way they talk is always straight to the point in a conversation. They can be brutally honest and they are the people who would prefer to go straight to the point instead of stalling around when they are in an argument.

The Shere Khan in 2018, however, took this approach differently by mocking his opponents.

When we first see him, he immediately spoke. Unlike the 2016 one, where he did not say anything for a while, the 2018 Shere Khan, not only spoke first, but his facial expression changes and level of voice is very provocatively calm and patient.

I want to talk more about his voice though because it is the biggest trait of his devious behavior. His tone can change from high to low, something like a snake. He can be a great manipulator.

When we first hear him, it’s as if he was meant to be in a conversation that he is not supposed to be. There was sarcasm most of his speeches in nearly every one of his dialogues.

See this level of confidence?

Unlike Idris Elba’s where his intimidating voice sparks fear, this type has a very mocking tone but at the same time good for a negotiation skill. An example of another character is like Scar from Lion King.

This type of person in real life is good with negotiations and persuading because their level of emotions can be contained. They know that, eventually, they can start a fight without lifting a finger.

Strength and Brains

It is obvious from the difference between the 2 tigers, Idris Elba’s Shere Khan will win in a fight. However, when it comes to brains, Benedict Cumberbatch’s will win. How do they behave?

We see how bulky the 2016 tiger is. He was trying to kill Mowgli the entire time even when he had allies beside him, he went straight for the kill anyway. Moreover, he killed the Alpha wolf Akela very easily. This is how he sparked fear among the animals as well.

However, the 2018 one made others do it for him until the end. He first crippled the wolf packs by making them all turn to each other. By doing this, he hoped to kill get Mowgli without putting up a fight.

This was obvious at the very first scene. He mocked and used the words of his opponents to his advantage, this is how he won in most of his arguments. In a game of patience, the 2018 Shere Khan will win. The result is from the scene where he successfully divided the wolf packs and gave up to protect Mowgli.

The 2016 Shere Khan took on all the wolves, Baloo and Bagheera before facing Mowgli. The 2018 one, however, did not dare to do so. The way he sparked fear is to keep the opponents guessing on his next move without lifting a paw on them.

The animals know that he wanted Mowgli, but how to get Mowgli was the question because suddenly he began attacking Man’s cattle, which will oppose a threat among the entire wolf pack.

In real life, the one with the brains is the most dangerous. They can be planning something and we don’t even know it until they did it.

How They Achieve Their Target

As mentioned above, their biggest advantages and behaviors helped how they set their target. But there are differences in how they do it.

The 2016 Shere Khan did it by going after Mowgli all the time. He sparked fear through intimidation ALL THE TIME. Basically, anyone who gets in their way will immediately die in their hands. This is why he used this as his leadership style. An Autocratic style, this type of leader will spark the culture of fear.

The 2018 one, however, learned to discourage others instead to get what he wanted. He would give strong arguments to give him a reason to kill Mowgli.

We see this when he approached Mowgli when he was taken by the monkeys, and he said “How you’ve grown. And how much chaos you have brought upon the pack”. See here? He first gave an encouragement than a discouragement to dissuade Mowgli to willingly give up his hope.

This tactic is to “win a heart” thing, which is why the 2018 Shere Khan is very devious.

In Conclusion….

In real life, especially in corporations these days, the devious ones are the most dangerous. Strength will only work for a while until someone much stronger come up to usurp you. These days, thinking of a strategy is more important to tackle competitors.

This is why when you are negotiating with someone with a devious kind of tactic or behavior be sure to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION. Otherwise, you will only fall into their trap and they can use your words against yourself.

I hope this helps you :)

