The Power of Practising More

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readOct 1, 2020

Everyone wants to become perfect in their chosen field. It all comes down to how much ready you are to practice those skills. There could be many things we want to learn and master it.

It all takes is a lot of learning and practice. Practice without effort will not give you the desired results. People will like to learn many things. But if there is no practice of your learning. You will forget everything in the way.

If a person is trying to learn new skills related to his office work. He does not practice them. The chances are you will forget the learning along the way. So it’s vital to practice more & more.

Any person said to achieve anything has made practice the heart of his life. Great thinkers have always practiced for years to reach that milestone. People have to transform their minds.

Let’s say you wish to represent your country in a particular sport. You desire to get Gold for your country. To make your country proud. The only thing that will make it possible is practice on an everyday basis. You will have to practice more & more.


If you focus on passive learning and not practice. It will be of no use to you. In the end, you will feel demotivated and give up on the skill.

The result of your life right now is the efforts you have put towards yourself. The day you realize this and work towards changing these habits for an improved one.

That is when better results start to show up. It is not the goals we accomplish or the target we achieve. It is the habits you adapt to is what makes a whole lot of difference.

Passive Learning is not a way to practice. If you gain new knowledge, but you are not able to apply that knowledge. Then that is of no use.

Active Learning is the best way to learn. As whatever you learn, you can apply in action. The mistakes you make are a valuable source of experience for your betterment.

Whatever your goal or dream is. It is crucial to take action towards that dream or goal. Not taking action can be counted as it never happened. It so happens that we are in the pursuit of gaining knowledge. But we are not able to apply that knowledge. To get the hands dirty. Max, it can be that you fail in that thing.


Its Alright to fail. But it is not right to give up. If you keep on trying again & again then a path will open up before you. The more you explore that path. The more your practical knowledge will improve.

You only require some knowledge to start your work. But it is not necessary to gain all knowledge to start that particular work of yours.

Learning will only be fruitful. When that is put to practice. Practice fuels the learning to become skilled in that area of work.

Everything you wish to achieve in life requires practice. Even life is a practice lesson to learn many things daily. People must not hurry up in the process of learning. As it will only derail the process.

You should be ready to make mistakes along the process. The more mistakes you make in learning. The better your understanding will be in the course.

It is crucial to love the process of learning. No matter how slow it is. The more you can take practical knowledge from the course. The more it will be helpful in the future.

So it is important to appreciate yourself of how far you have come. Keep going ahead with your passion. In the end, only passion wins.

