The Pros and Cons of 10 Reasons Why Video Games Are Good For You

Live Your Life On Purpose
9 min readSep 20, 2019

A few months ago you might have read an article on my website that talked about video game addiction. But today I thought it would be a good time to talk about the 10 reasons why video games for you and then why they are bad for you. Now sit back and relax and get those controllers ready so we can get this post going, are you ready?

Why Are Video games Good For You?

  1. Video games can improve social skills
  2. They help distract you from what’s on your mind
  3. It gives you control over your character world
  4. They help you let your feelings out
  5. Sometimes they give you a good laugh
  6. Video games can also help improve your reading skills
  7. They can also teach us about agriculture
  8. Video games can also teach us patience
  9. They can also help us become better problem solvers
  10. They help us feel accomplish

Why Video Games Are Bad For You?

  1. We tend to sit too much while we play them
  2. Video games can get in the way of life
  3. Online games may have online bullies
  4. Video games tend to have a lot of violence
  5. Some games have nudity in them
  6. Some players overreact and take it too far
  7. Video games can cause pain in our bodies in places you don’t need
  8. Can mess up your eyesight
  9. They can also lead to other unhealthy habits
  10. Some people who play video games might feel stress


Video Games Can Improve Social Skills

A lot of video games these days can be played online with people from all over the world. This can lead to friendships that you might have thought were not possible. You can also learn new things from others as well as learning new strategies or new announcements in the game.

There are other social benefits of playing videos games like having a wingman to help you out in-game when you need help. A person you can have fun with while playing the game and maybe even a person who would stick up for you if someone is bothering you in-game.

The Benefits Of Video Games On The Brain

Video games can help distract you from what’s on your mind which could help relieve stress, headaches, etc. It’s unhealthy to think about all the stuff you have to accomplish in everyday life it’s okay to take a break and let it all out.

Some video games will give you a character to control and you can help it shape its future. For example, in Runescape, you could have an all skiller account that does not focus on combat. Since we don’t always control what we get in our future in real life. It’s nice to control something at least.

Video Games Are A Great Way To Let Out Your Feelings

Attacking zombies and goblins or any monster in the games is another great way to let out your annoyed feelings. However, don’t start yelling at the screen when something bad happens to your character because then you might have taken it a little to far.

Some video games can also make you laugh. Maybe there is a funny quest like Romeo and Juliet in Runescape. Romeo thought he really liked Juliet but then after Juliet pretended to die by drinking a potion Romeo decided to date Juliet sister or maybe it was her cousin instead.

Video Games Can Help Improve Your Reading Skills

One of the things that I like about some games like Runescape is that it’s a text-heavy game. Meaning the only way to talk to players is by writing to them through in-game messages. Same thing with quest guides they are text-heavy with

If you can’t read well you really can’t get far in the game. But if you know basic reading it can only improve from there.

They Can Also Teach Us About Agriculture

When I was growing up I honestly didn’t know there were different kinds of trees. I knew they had different shapes but I didn’t know there were different plants and trees as well. One of the trees that I learned about through Runescape was the willow tree. Surprisingly enough they also taught me that I can find it near water.

Video Games Can Teach Us Patience

Whether or not if you are playing Runescape or a different game they can teach us patience. For certain tasks, quests or missions you need different requirements. If you don’t have those requirements you will have to acquire them and that takes patience.

They Can Also Help Us Improve Our Problem Solving Skills

Some games may have clues, puzzles, and riddles. By figuring these out can help with improving our problem-solving skills. Which could help if you want to be an engineer, detective, an author who writes mystery books, etc?

Playing Video Games Can Also Help Us Feel Accomplished

Whether you have just completed a quest, a clue, or a riddle, they can also help us feel accomplished by giving us rewards from doing these tasks. By being rewarded in the game could lead to accomplishing real-life tasks like doing chores around the house.


We Tend To Sit Too Long While We Play

They call sitting the new drug. Sitting too long can cause cramps in your legs, it can also cause blood clots and other medical conditions. Every time that I know I will be sitting for multiple hours I usually get up and walk around for 5 to 10 minutes.

Unless I am in a two-hour college class that might not give breaks because it’s a short class. But if I am at home doing homework or typing up a blog post I truly make it a priority to take a walk.

Video Games Might Get In The Way Of Life For Some People

I used to be one of those people where I made it a priority to play video games after school. But others may take it too far by prioritizing video game over family, friends, and everyday tasks like schoolwork or work for a job.

Doing this can hurt their grades, their jobs, and their sleep. One of the things that I use to help me do other things during the week is called Cold Turkey Blocker. It helps me put time limits on certain websites like YouTube and social media.

Video Games May Have Bullies In Them

Bullies can be everywhere even in video games. But luckily in most games, there is always an ignore player button so you don’t have to listen to the bullies.

They Tend To Have A Lot Of Violence

Some video games have a lot of violence and aren’t necessary. One thing that I liked about Runescape is that they use health bars to indicate the health of a monster or a player. But other games they have people’s heads falling off, blood flying everywhere.

Sometimes There Is Nudity In The Game

Perhaps the character not fully nude in the game but they might blur it out kind of like the way the Sims that do it. While other games they show a very inappropriate cut scene in the game. Some people might get turned on while others may just can’t be bothered with that kind of stuff in games.

Some Players Overreact

If someone loses or dies in a game some people might take it too far by threatening people online. Which can result in getting the police, FBI, or CIA involved? It’s a game it’s okay to be competitive but you don’t need to threaten anyone.

Some Gaming Consoles Can Cause Pain That You Don’t Need

Some video game controllers can be hard on your wrists because of the way you hold them. This can cause joint damage which no one ever needs. It can also cause low back problems as well.

Video Games Can Also Cause Eye Problems

Depending on how close to the screen you are it can cause strain to your eyes if you sit too close. Also playing in a dark room does not help on the eyes as well.

They Can Also Cause Other Unhealthy Habits

Video games can also cause other unhealthy habits like obesity, smoking, taking drugs to keep you up all night, etc.

Some Games Can Cause Mental Health Problems

Some games may have a time limit to finish certain tasks. Depending on how you feel about timers counting down fast it might make you feel stressed and frustrated as well.

How To Reduce The Negative Side Effects Of Video Games?

When you are sitting for long periods make sure you use a lumbar pillow so you are not hunched over. I have seen with my own eyes as people age they do not tend to function very well because they are hunched over.

Set A Time Limit

Whether or not that you decide to use Cold Turkey or not set a time limit of some sort so you are not letting video games prioritize to your life. I play video games only Saturday and Sunday for 5 hours on both days. So 10 hours in total and that very minimal for me because I use to play like 70+ hours a week.

Support Your Wrists

Have you ever used one of those wrist pads for people who type a lot on their computer they use those to lean their wrists on? Perhaps maybe when you are playing video games use one of those while playing so you don’t develop bad wrists.

If You Start Feeling Stressed Over A Game

If you have stress over a video game then perhaps they are not right for you. Or perhaps that game was not right for you. Remind yourself it’s just a game and don’t take it so seriously. Unless you are getting paid for playing video games.

Don’t Let Playing Videos Games Lead To Unhealthy Habits

Stay away from junk food and don’t stay up late at night playing. Eating junk food can make you obese and staying up late is bad for your health. Plus the blue light from the screen will hurt you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Don’t Let Other Player’s Bully You

People should not bully others even if it’s online. Luckily some games like Runescape have an ignore player button and they also have a report feature as well. If you feel like you are being harassed ignore the player and report them to the company.

Are Video Games Good For You Pros And Cons

Before we finish this post I want to remind you of the pros and cons of video games. Then I will let you decide if video games are okay in your opinion.


  • Video games can improve social skills
  • They help distract you from what’s on your mind
  • It gives you control over your character world
  • They help you let your feelings out
  • Sometimes they give you a good laugh
  • Video games can also help improve your reading skills
  • They can also teach us about agriculture
  • Video games can also teach us patience
  • They can also help us become better problem solvers
  • They help us feel accomplish


  • We tend to sit too much while we play them
  • Video games can get in the way of life
  • Online games may have online bullies
  • Video games tend to have a lot of violence
  • Some games have nudity in them
  • Some players overreact and take it too far
  • Video games can cause pain in our bodies in places you don’t need
  • Can mess up your eyesight
  • They can also lead to other unhealthy habits
  • Some people who play video games might feel stress


After reading this article do you think video games are good for you why or why not? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Originally published at



Live Your Life On Purpose

CrazyFitnessGuy is a website that promotes and explores healthy living through the perspective of an autistic college student. 🥗