The Quantum Of Our Decisions

Why everything you do for you, you do for me too

Beth Louise
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

My mum has a habit of not indicating when she’s driving around a corner in a quiet street. ‘Why would I?’ she always says, ‘there’s no-one behind me’. It’s a good point. There were no other cars in sight. ‘But it’s the principle’, I tell her. ‘What if a car unexpectedly speeds over the hill? Or a child crosses the street because they assume you’re going straight instead?’

Not indicating in the back streets is not a huge deal but it makes me wonder — when exactly did we forget how our individual impact plays into the oneness of it all? And how all the little things we do, affect everyone else too. Call me crazy, but I believe in a quantum universe — what I do to me, I technically do to you too, and vice versa.

Individual action and the big picture

In fact, this year is really showing us how important individual action is to the bigger picture. We saw that the lockdown laws protected us collectively from the spread of the virus because we all individually agreed to stay inside.

We also saw that in a global, interconnected world, we can’t separate our success from the overall state of our Planet. In Australia, we’re fortunate that we’ve succeeded in flattening the curve, and life is resuming…



Beth Louise
Live Your Life On Purpose

Adventures of a metaphysical girl in a material world. Instagram @21xseven