The Reason Why Ronaldo and other Athletes Believe In God.

And so do I

Swati Suman
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readSep 22, 2020


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Growing up as a kid, the narrative of God or Almighty hardly appealed to me.

Not because I was born an atheist, but because as a child such deeper aspects related to spirituality hardly ringed it’s vibration on me.

To much sense, each one of our childhood just felt like a dream. A beautiful fairy tale. The happiness, joy, with no external pressures or worries, gravitated springs of beautiful time.

Life was just like flying wide with wings of freedom in the sky.
In such grace of time, of fortunes, many of us hardly care about how fortunate are we.

Or for say was I.

When people have stocks of blessings;
we miss out on the real reason behind such happenings.

We hardly owe gratitude.

Not because we are just our proud selves but because with success, people lose out on the time. With remembrance.

So When do We Realize God?

Certainly, in times of darkness. In sadness. At times of negativity. In times when we are weak. At times when we fail. In times where everything freezes our life.

Like the turbulent waves which hit regularly. Never waves back.

Majorly, when the thunderous lightning events of life strike, it distorts our sense of survival. Well-being.

At times like this, we resort to seeking faith in him. In hope. For guidance.

My perspectives on Theism and Spirituality, awakened when I connected self towards a higher purpose. The times where you are driven towards discovering the real self within you.

Indeed, belief in God just cannot happen momentarily. It may, for some. May not, for few. The perspectives divulge according to the visionary scale of individuals.

So what do we need in such times? How can we attribute faith in such divine moments of belief?

My step started towards it through observation.

While growing up during my initial years, affinity towards sports made a mark on me. Be it football, badminton, volleyball, or certain art forms of karate instilled in me like a wave of pull towards it.

At times like this, I started observing the mighty personalities whose sheer hard work made them the king of their art.

Athletic Voices And Their Beliefs

In the game of football, Christiano Ronaldo is a name that needs not to be introduced.

He stands tall to the virtues of his name which has ruled hearts. Including me and so for the others. While looking up to his potentials, his goal crashing success, his hard work, his affinity towards his passion is a cause of celebration. Nevertheless, he, in one of his documentaries made one such remarkable statement that struck the chords of spirituality or say, God.

He mentioned, “As a kid the one value he stood for was being God-fearing, being aware of a higher power.”

Such aspects when mentioned from persons like him definitely hold a say. In the concept of God. Or the Higher source.

The concept of who we really are shares connections. My faith found its seed. It started through one observation.

Scientifically, to get hold of it I started seeking towards addressing more facts. Here facts state seeking more inspirations. Through my observations, my knowledge witnessed a wider dimension towards such a sense of Godly touch.

I say — The God’s Thing.

Many athletes are heard to thank God for their success after winning the big game. A lot of Basketball stars always have their deep synchronicity towards the religion of God. Stephen Curry is the most spoken NBA player in upholding the flag of belief in God.

In his words, he stated that — he hits his chest to represent that his heart is God’s and he points to heaven to remind himself that he’s playing for him.

Ahead, One of the most electrifying personalities in sports history, Muhammad Ali used his faith as inspiration for his fights, claiming that he was destined to win.

In the field of Tennis, both the William sisters state that their faith makes them stronger for tennis. Due to this religious belief and to live up to the Jehovah’s Witness belief of separation from the materialistic world, the duo sisters have kept about their personal lives a silenced talk.

Similarly, witnessing on a global level we witness cricket maestro and a lot of American athletes all looking head high above the sky after hitting strikes of success. The crowd roaring with the claps, and their silent kiss of gratitude on the bat, looking straight up in the sky made a sense of the presence of some superior energy. It fuels the way of Life. To them. To me.

Hence, every big athlete in the world has an element of God inside them.

In order to be one among those —
Be it Ronaldo, Stephen, Williams, or Jon Jones.
One definitely needs to stand apart from the crowd. Stand in distinction.
In dedication. Hard work. Perseverance. And a tremendous amount of will power to count on faith.

Such an aspect needs a lot of — mental conditioning. The cognitive elaboration. It is at this stage where one's thoughts get crystalized. Free-flowing. Gets a direction. And is a definition of the true identity of your being and your purpose.

Hence, in order to strike a goal like Ronaldo, hit a century, smash the tennis ball with a win, and make a basket-like Stephen, one has to score, has to bat, has to bowl, has to smash, and has to persevere.

With grand Slam success finally knocking their door and in the entire journey, if the final attribution has been owed to God, then I guess — The God’s thing is special. It exists.

My Affirmations —

This was my thinking while I enhanced through the stages of my life. Especially, when I grew up.

But you know what?

This still wasn’t enough. Reason — It was their journey. I could only observe through it. Derived conclusions. But, didn’t feel its power at the core. And faith needs to be felt. God needs to be felt. It has to be experienced to breathe through its existence. My central aspect realized — God is Experience. Be it good or bad, experience teaches.

There came a point.

Things started happening. The experience of layers started unfolding. To only realize — My God’s Thing.

It mentioned — You only start believing in God once your career starts unfolding in front of You. Your anxiety settles down. Your vision is anchored. Finally, the sense of purpose is manifested to fruition. At times of these, things fall in place in apple-pie order.

Also, if purpose connects to the career being pursued, it becomes a sport to be played. The adventure and treasure of career inclinations towards self mark a sense of contentment. The way to God. A higher source. The driving force which sets you strong and bounded to its faith.

Through the hustles of sea confusions in Life from all its shores made my career path seem much like a cacophony. The trajectories made a shift. Not because I was unclear. Much because my higher destined purpose meant to be something else. For some of us, it may be writing, for others, it might be painting, gaming, teaching, or being an activist.

I found my faith —
Since I am breathing through it.
Living it. Hence, I righteously say with my arts of science and science of arts that — I do believe in God.

To such an extent my faith has bridged it’s chords that in many of my weakest moments, I don’t turn to human beings for help. Instead, I pray. I meditate. This indeed has become a huge aspect of everything I do to the person who I am today. The belief in this Higher power indeed has been an anchor in my Life in the saily storms.

Honestly, Theism and Spirituality render meaningful lives. Also, it guides people on the path who have forgotten their real sense of purpose. Are turmoiled. Broken. Or lost connectivity to the truest existence.

Nothing against the Atheist, as one can go for the philosophies according to the individual experiences cultivated through their Life. Yet, if one gets connected to the higher divine power, it definitely has rays of its sunshine attached. It's merrily rosier. Effervescently beautiful.

Through this entire journey, one becomes — positive, humble, joyful, purposeful and it kind of gives more meaning to the journey of your existence. Life becomes a resource of power with junks in the dump yards.

The Takeaway

The faith in God, or Higher Power if, doesn’t make a sense of your understanding, trying giving it your own positive affirmations. A positive identification to it.

Try naming it as — Goodness. For God is Goodness. Sacred.

In the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti —

“You know, it is one of the most marvelous things in life to discover something unexpectedly, spontaneously, to come upon something without premeditation, and instantly to see the beauty, the sacredness, the reality of it. But a mind that is seeking and wanting to find is never in that position at all.”

By embracing the good, reflect kindness back to society. The righteousness in God thereby resides in practicing this integral morality.

The wholesomeness of giving back from the heart to what you receive.

Name it — Humanity.



Swati Suman
Live Your Life On Purpose

In the rhythm of words, I try to unfold life. Thoughtful expressions in Philosophy, Science, Humanities. Compassion above All. Email: