How To Sustain Motivation When The Going Gets Tough

The secret to motivation that lasts.

Jude King, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readApr 19, 2019


“Learn to fall in love with the grind” seems like one of those bits motivational advice that gets thrown around a lot but is far easier to quote than to actually do.

This fact is no more obvious than when the project you started with much relish and gusto, begins to frustrate you. You realize you’re now firmly wedged in a motivation sinkhole. You look back lustfully at those early days where the enthusiasm was sky-high and you wonder what has happened. Cause right now you just don’t feel like doing any work. The self-doubts are creeping in, and your confidence is on the floor. Your goal is still far out in the distance but the only thing you feel like doing now is quit.

With all enthusiasm gone, “falling in love with the grind” sounds — understandably — hollow.

We’ve all been there.

Your goal matters to you but you seem stuck and you can’t see a way out of the rut. It’s frustrating.

It’s Called “Grind” for a Reason

One thing to quickly realize is that it’s called “grind” for a reason. It’s not supposed to be easy. Something that mattered so much won’t be a walk in the park. It will require energy, time and resources. It’s…



Jude King, PhD
Live Your Life On Purpose

Research Scientist | Entrepreneur | Teacher | Engineer driven by a deep curiosity about everything.