The simple trick to improve your happiness

Tuseet Jha
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readNov 26, 2018


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Happiness or rather the lack of it makes the world go round. It is one of the most sought-after emotions in our life. A lot of the things we pursue are pursued with the ultimate goal of it leading us closer to happiness.

I try to keep my life simple and that is also the lens I try to approach things with. How can something complex be codified in a simple way?

How do you then boost happiness without weaving a complex web around it?

The answer is pretty simple.

You do what makes you happy.

Yes, Happiness or the pursuit of it isn't complicated. Humans are.

I am not suggesting that we leave our jobs and start doing what makes us happy while we starve to death. I am suggesting that we figure out what are the things that make us happy and then weave it into the fabric of our daily lives.

Happiness can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It includes a plethora of positive emotions like joy, satisfaction and pride. Each person defines happiness differently and everyone derives happiness from different things.

We are going to have more bad days than good. Nobody is ever in an upbeat mood all the time but everybody wants to prolong their happiness, which is where doing what makes…



Tuseet Jha
Live Your Life On Purpose

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: