Photo by visuals on Unsplash

The Zen Within: Connection over Distance

Madhumitha Venkatesh
Live Your Life On Purpose


Finding meaning and connection during these times of isolation and distancing

Life as it was before the breakout of the pandemic, was one in the fast lane. Lots of movement, activity, interaction, stimulation and sensory overload that seamlessly filled the emptiness within.

Until one day, the old normal was no longer a possibility. With all the usual fillers gone, there was just the painful, newly exposed vastness of space within. One that we aren’t too familiar with.

A quote that comes to my mind at this point is one that is a beautiful reassurance of the purpose of spaces.

“It’s the space between the steps that make the magic of the dance.
It’s the space between the words that make the magic of their meaning.”

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

Being a free-spirited wandering soul, the biggest reassurance for me while living apart from my loved ones is the ability to jump on a flight and be with them in a matter of hours if I wanted to. With that taken away, my world was shaken at the thought that I now had no idea when I’d be able to be with…



Madhumitha Venkatesh
Live Your Life On Purpose

Lover of the abstract. Inspired by all things urban, my pieces are meant to spark individual thought and moments of zen.