This Is How Solo Travel Changes You

“If you have to wait for someone to travel with you, you may end up waiting a lifetime!”

Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readJan 13, 2020


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What’s stopping you?

Let me guess.

You don’t have enough money.

You don’t have the time.

You don’t have anyone to go with.

You call these reasons, but they’re just excuses.

I was just like you- waiting.

Waiting on the day, I would save enough money to buy a plane ticket to Europe. Waiting for the right time in my life to finally go, but years passed, and other things took precedence. I waited for friends to become available so we can travel together.

But that never happened.

When it came to committing to buying the plane tickets, something always came up. My friends all of a sudden couldn’t make it, or a life event happened that made it impossible to travel at the time. As a result, our plans for traveling together were always pushed to sometime in the future.

Does this sound like you?

I bet that you’ve been waiting, desiring to see the world, making plans with friends, and realizing each year, that it’s not going to happen.

This was me.

But then I got fed up.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamt about visiting and living in London. There’s something about the British accent that I find fascinating. I wanted to see the beautiful architectures that warm my heart from the TV.

And then there’s Venice, a city surround by water and all the pasta you can eat. And I love pasta. And then there’s Rome, Paris, -cities with such interesting history.

Photo By Syera Love

I began to feel like I was pushing away my dreams because I couldn’t find others to experience it with me.

So one day, while google searching, I ran into the website It’s a group travel site that allows you to explore different countries with other solo travelers and a tour guide.

And I grew happy inside.

At that moment, I felt like I didn’t have to wait for anyone. I can purchase a plane ticket and explore the world with other people.

I mean, I did enjoy meeting new people- so it really wouldn’t be a problem.

But then, as great as Intrepid sounded, the New Year’s trip to London, Italy, and France- I planned to sign up for-only lasted three days.

To me, the length of time felt very short and not worthwhile.

At that moment, I had two choices.

The same choices you’re faced with.

Wait or to go?

And without much thought, I went on google flights and booked a solo multi-city trip to London, Paris, and Italy.

It’s probably one of the boldest things I’ve ever done.

I did it on impulse.

Because if I would’ve talked myself into it, it would’ve never happened.

Like you, I would’ve justified all the ‘excuses’ and failed to book the trip.

So what I’m saying is: Just Do It.

Don’t overthink it.

I know you’re scared and not sure what to expect. I know you feel like you may get lost, and not know where to go. I know you feel like it won’t be as much fun by yourself as with someone else.

You fear that you may be alone, with no one to talk to or spend time with. You fear that you may not be safe, and something may happen along the way.

I felt those fears too.

But I am going to promise that when you take the leap and buy your ticket-your trip will be one of the best experiences that you’ll experience in your lifetime.

You’ll realize those fears you feel, are only in your head.

They are not real.

But your desire to see the world should outweigh any fear.

So, if not now, when?

Next year?

Something else may come up.

When you have someone to go with?

They may cancel on you last minute.

When you have enough money?

You can always plan to budget travel.

So NOW is the time.

No more excuses.

No more what-ifs.

Stop and book your ticket.

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Here are 5 five ways that solo travel changes you.

1. Makes You More Confident In Yourself

When traveling solo, you learn to trust your gut when making decisions, because there is no one to rely on or bounce off ideas on what to do. I know this sounds scary, but it empowers you.

Because when you solo travel, things will go wrong. It won’t all be daisy and rainbows. You may get lost, miss your train or flight, or get ripped off. And because you won’t have anyone readily available to rely on, or bounce off options with, you’ll come to learn how to problem solve on the spot — a skill that you may not have known existed within you.

And because you’re faced with uncomfortable and challenging situations, you’ll learn how you respond to stress and discover ways to manage your emotions, which will ultimately help you build character and confidence.

2. Test Out Your Comfort Zone

“Traveling alone will be the scariest, most liberating, life-changing experience of your life. Try it at least once!”

Traveling alone, you’ll experience a lot of first.

Your first time having dinner, going to a concert, visiting an amusement park, or going to a museum all by yourself.

At first, you’ll be nervous to do these things. Your inner dialogue may sound like: ‘all these people are staring at me, they think I’m weird. I’ll be bored. Only lonely people do things by themself.”

But those thoughts are just your fears.

And if you give into them, you’ll miss out on magical experiences to enjoy your company and meet others along the way.

You may be traveling solo, but you’re never truly alone.

From my experience, I’ve always met people everywhere I went. When I was in Paris, I met two travelers from California, who I got to explore Paris with. We saw the Eiffel Towel together and wrote our names on locks.

You’ll be amazed at how friendly others are.

I’ve been in situations where I was lost in Paris, and couldn’t understand French at all. I met a guy who could barely speak English, yet he was so patient in helping me figure out what train to get on to head to my hostel.

I say all of this to encourage you to know that solo travel is as fun as you make it.

You can complain about how you don’t have anyone familiar to share your experience with.

Or you can accept the challenge and push your self beyond your comfort zone to experience many first and meet ‘friends’ along the way.

3. Discover Who You Are

“Traveling solo means getting to know the real you!”

The beautiful thing about solo travel is that it brings you face to face with who you are. You come to realize your likes, dislikes and what you’re in total control of how you spend your days.

You’re the only one making decisions on the places you’ll visit, the places you’ll eat, the people you’ll chat with, and what matters to you.

This is amazing because most of the time we find ourselves making compromises on what we want to do because our friends or family want to do something different.

But with solo travel, you have complete autonomy to make every decision without worrying about anyone else but yourself.

And by doing so, you come to realize who you really are.

4. Teaches You To Live In The Moment

Photo by Dylan Alcock on Unsplash

Many times we find ourselves always connected to our phones and not fully engaged with what’s happening at the moment.

But when you travel, it’s hard to be disengaged.

Everything is new.

New places. New faces. New cultures.

And your mind wants to take it all in.

So you’ll find yourself more engaged with your surroundings and what’s happening around you.

You’ll notice people’s smiles. You’ll listen in on conversations and notice striking differences in cultures.

Your senses will heighten, and in those moments- you’ll feel alive while experiencing the world from a different perspective.

5. Grows Your Desire To Want to Explore

Once you travel alone and survive, you’ll realize that there was nothing to fear but fear itself.

A part of you will fall in love with travel, the people, the places, and your life will never be the same.

You’ll find yourself looking online for plane tickets shortly after your trip, with the hope of exploring and seeing more of the world.

Traveling is one of the best highs you can give yourself. It’s an experience worth a lifetime of happiness.

With your new-found confidence, you will no longer wait or worry if friends can join you.

You’ve seen a glimpse of the world, and you’re eager to see more.

So if friends can join, or can’t join-it doesn’t matter.

You” ll book your flight and go, because the experience is worth it.



Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose

I write to inspire others to become the best versions of themselves. You can connect with me on or