This is the reason why you’re single.

Simran Kaushik
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readAug 7, 2020
Photo by Paul Garaizar on Unsplash

Most people these days are just clueless as to why they’re single. They move ahead with a bad approach and get disappointed. They start thinking maybe they aren’t good enough or there’s just something wrong with the other person.

Now, there are a number of reasons as to why you might be single but I’ve come up with three-pointers that dive deep to bring out the root cause of it.

Let’s just breakdown this repeating pattern and understand what’s really wrong.

You don’t know what you really want.

Having an idea about the type of partner you want, up in the air ain’t enough. Knowing exactly the type of partner you want is the key.

You get what you focus on in life and people these days often focus on what they don’t want. The universe doesn't compute any words of negation. This is the reason why you keep on attracting a similar type of people to your life, that you really don’t want.

So, this is what you need to do. Take out your pen and paper and start writing.

  • Make two columns, in one column write down the things you want in your partner and in one column write down the things you don’t want. And the list can have anything, from physical appearance to any personality trait.
  • Now go through that list and circle top 10 to 15 traits in each column.
  • Once you have your list ready with you, go through that list twice a day. Sounds like a medical prescription, but trust me this works.

This is going to help you keep your focus on the right things. Now, this exercise was originally given by Coach Corey Wayne and it works wonders.

2. You don’t understand how attraction really works.

You can’t really put your finger on it, but you know there’s physical energy that is driving you toward a specific person. It’s just not about you being attracted to a specific person but also how you attract them.

Attraction does not only count on physical appearance and the psychology of attraction is directly tied to confidence levels. It doesn’t matter how good you look but if you aren’t confident in yourself, your attractiveness goes down to zero.

Now, confidence is an outcome of a lot of factors, summed up altogether. It includes how you show up in your life, do you take good care of yourself, do you have a mission or purpose in your life and the list goes on.

This brings me to my next pointer, which is one of the most important aspect for being confident and attracting the right person to your life.

3. You don’t understand feminine or masculine energies.

Know that those two polarities don’t count on our construct of gender and that we all have a combination of both. Masculine being certain, having a mission in life, strong, dominant, and assertive. And feminine being intuitive, caring, opening up to receive love and the list goes on.

We all present dominance of one or the other. I do not really believe in “opposite attracts” but in this case, masculine and feminine energies act as the opposite forces, which works just like magnets.

Now, a feminine woman is attracted to a masculine man or vice versa. Now as I said before, it’s completely fine to have a combination of both. But when you showcase traits of the energy which is not constructed for your gender, it comes off as a “turn-off” for your partner. Now, your partner might not be thinking about it consciously but deep down they do feel it and they don’t even know why.

Just embrace the energies you are constructed for and everything will fall into place.

If you want me to elaborate on any of the pointers discussed above, then let me know down in the comment section.

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